Electromagnetic radiation focused by cornea causes eye damage Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute
“That the glass lense, like your cornea, focuses electromagnetic radiation is strong evidence supporting the theory that our evergrowing environmental toxin of radiofrequency radiation is primarily responsible for our evermore damaged eyesight, collectively.”
Note also that troops, humans, animals exposed to electromagnetic radiation (“RF”) weapons also suffer “greyed out” corneas — they are blinded by insta-cataracts. Next, and promptly so, their mucous membranes swell, causing asphyxiation. The mechanism of death in lab rats exposed to microwave radiation is asphyxiation due to mucousal swelling. Prior to death, if exposed to low-level microwave radiation, the rats fatten — Dr Sharon Goldberg testified that the recognized way to create obese rats in laboratory settings is to ‘place an operating wifi router near their cage’.