Beamfield Eyewitness to Aug 2023 DEW Attack in Lahaina Spice Prince BrushJunkie

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Beamfield Eyewitness to Aug 2023 DEW Attack in Lahaina Spice Prince BrushJunkie – This guy was inside the microwave energy beam whilst the attack was underway and destruction happening. His remarkable next-morning video is riddled with extremely telling hallmark DEW damage.

DEW Gulf War 1 Highway of Death 1991

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DEW Attack Highway of Death 1991 – “All those vehicles were being driven by a person, usually with others in the vehicle. All were insta-microwaved, insta-boiled from within. Just like at Dresden — all clothing and hair intact, but flesh charred. Gone within milliseconds by high-energy bursts. Paradise Cali and other places in US have same telltale evidence.”