St Mary College for Jesuits AKA Hell House in Ellicott City Maryland Destroyed by DEW

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St Mary College for Jesuits AKA Hell House in Ellicott City Maryland Destroyed by DEW See that insta-rusted, warped steel girder? Only two things are known possible causes: Blast furnace or DEW. Hallmark damage found in re-examined rubble reveals destruction by Directed Energy Weapons (“DEW”). St Mary College for Jesuits AKA Hell House in Ellicott … Read more

Another Account from Lahaina of Personal Exposure to DEW Microwave Weaponry, Aug 2023

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Personal exposure to DEW — Exposure to militarized weaponized microwave technology is a harrowing experience, marked by a range of physical and psychological symptoms. “I could feel something very odd: The heat was obvious, the wind was obvious, but there was something about the pressure that made me feel very weird.”