Evidence of DEW in Hiroshima Nagasaki

Evidence of DEW in Hiroshima Nagasaki

Same weapon used is evidenced by same aftermath damage.

911 Wtchiro Naga Dew

DEW microwaves superheat metals by inducing eddy currents that cause frictional heating that ignites nearby flammables, weaponizing the metal itself into fuel for the conflagration. President Reagan introduced DEW as part of the “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative SDI in 1983.

Wilted steel.

Insta-rusted steel.

Rubber gone.

Plastic gone.

Engine block gone.

BELOW: Firetruck in Nagasaki aftermath.

Hiro Naga Dew

BELOW: Firetruck in 911 WTC aftermath.

BELOW: Aftermath of DEW (in Nagasaki?); note insta-rusted steel.

Sub Buzz 13727 1502301085 5

BELOW: Hiroshima aftermath. Wilted steel (front left). Wilted steel radio mast (mid left). Unburned organics (tree trunks, limbs).

Nag8 1100

Original 13jo

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum 6 12 00 00 0038

BELOW: Charred-in-place bodies.


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