Identically DEW Carbonized Victims Link 1964 Dr Mary Sherman Body with 2023 Lahaina Maui Razing and Dresden Germany WW2 and 911 and More

Identically DEW Carbonized Victims Link 1964 Dr Mary Sherman Body with 2023 Lahaina Maui Razing and Dresden Germany WW2 and 911 and More

Identical damage indicates identical weaponry. So-called “Spontaneous Human Combustion” victims of the 1960s and 1970s (media hype) are also identical. So are bodies of victims in Dresden, Germany (WW2) supposed fire-bombing that (impossibly by-fire) boiled and burned flesh from inside-out and left all clothing intact and hair unburned.

Dr Mary Sherman DEW-carbonized body

Identically DEW Carbonized Victims Link 1964 Dr Mary Sherman Body with 2023 Lahaina Maui Razing and Dresden Germany WW2 and 911 and More
DEW-carbonized body of Dr Mary Sherman 1964

Lahaina Maui Hawaii DEW-carbonized bodies

DEW-carbonized body of victim in Lahaina Maui Hawaii 2023

Half-DEW-Carbonized body of victim in Lahaina Maui Hawaii 2023 razing identically matches Dr Mary Sherman (theorized victim of plasma burn) and those of “spontaneous human combustion” made prevalent in 1960s and 1970s by vapid mass-media hype.

DEW-carbonized dog on Front Street, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii after 2023 razing.

DEW-carbonized cat in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii after 2023 razing. Flesh FLASH/INSTA-boiled/burned. Fur unburned.

DEW-carbonized victim on Front Street, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 2023

DEW-carbonized victim on Front Street, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 2023

Misleadingly-named “Spontaneous Human Combustion” is actually DEW-carbonization

Dresden, Germany (WW2) DEW-carbonized bodies

Supposed 911 “jumpers” actually DEW-carbonized

DEW-Carbonized Soldiers

28 Feb 1991, Kuwait City, Kuwait — The charred corpse of an Iraqi soldier lies among the rubble after an Iraqi convoy is destroyed by coalition bombing during the Persian Gulf War. In August of 1990, Iraqi president Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, causing a coalition of countries to deploy troops into the region to expel Iraq from Kuwait. | Location: near Kuwait City, Kuwait. — Image by © Jacques Langevin/Sygma/Corbis

The bodies of dead Iraqi soldiers hang from a truck 11 March 1991 abandoned by fleeing Iraqi army on the road in North-Eastern Kuwait, leading to Iraq, after the Allied troops liberated the capital of Kuwait. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait 02 August 1990, ostensibly over violations of the Iraqi border, led to the Gulf War which began 16 January 1991. A U.S.-led multinational force expelled Iraq from Kuwait during the “Desert Storm” offensive and a cease-fire was signed 28 February 1991. (Photo credit should read PASCAL GUYOT/AFP/Getty Images)

Predictive-programming image in LORD OF WAR 2005 movie

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