Reconsidering Centralia PA Mine Fire as possibly helped along by DEW

Reconsidering Centralia PA Mine Fire as possibly helped along by DEW Evidence for chronic, mild application of DEW Baked trees not burned. ABOVE: John Lokitis Jr. was among the last residents of Centralia, Pennsylvania, a town largely abandoned due to an underground mine fire. He lived there from birth until 2009, when he was … Read more

Brightening of nearby streetlamps hallmarks suspected DEW electromagnetic pulse beam weapon attacks

Dewish Org Philly Dew

Brightening of nearby streetlamps hallmarks suspected DEW electromagnetic pulse beam weapon attacks All videos show clouds lighting up first, then the clouds dim as the explosion grows. This is inverse of what it should be, with the clouds getting brighter as the explosion gets bigger and brighter; instead the opposite actually happens. Therefore, every video … Read more

Philly DEW Lightburst and clouds light-up PRECEDES explosion proving energy beam weapon

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Philly DEW Lightburst and clouds light-up PRECEDES explosion proving energy beam weapon Street lamp is clearly hyper-excited by energy burst of beam weapon. Step thru footage using period and comma keys; HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Notice how the clouds light up FIRST, then the streetlamp, as the energy beam arrives from the sky. Then the … Read more

Philly Plane Too Big For Hole

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Philly Plane Too Big For Hole “I mean, that supposed plane crater is the size of a grenade hole, like a suitcase bomb in a SUV…” And here’s “CIA” Ostroff again — otherwise king of Home Depot product analyses videos — spewing video with excellent footage and ‘expert’ analysis! Here we go again with the … Read more

Philly plane crash evaluated as DEW attack

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Philly plane crash evaluated as DEW attack It’s mainly because the cars are so intensely on-fire and they are essentially the only things on-fire. Also, the imagery of the plane looks phaeke, and the immediate high-intensity light pulse resembles a scalar DEW burst more than a firey impact. Also there is ZERO impact crater. Also, … Read more

What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like a Really Bad Sunburn


What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like a Really Bad Sunburn Nairobi Kenya 11 Sep 2011 BELOW: Look familiar? Skin loosed, hanging. Hair unburned. Skin boiled from inside-out, sloughing-off in sheets. This is partly a boiled-flesh injury and partly a microwave radiation injury. Fire, if involved at all, was the minor-most causation of damage. The … Read more

Have THEY been recycling us round and around all down thru history


Have THEY been recycling us round and around all down thru history Overwhelming evidence for DEW going all the way back to earliest historical records…and far further still, evidenced by ancient stoneworks melted. It’s really pretty ghastly and terrifying…the infinitude of our enslavement, misguidance, abuse beyond time immemorial. No worthy God would allow this. Or, … Read more