Daylit aftermath evidence confirms DEW attack in Philadelphia 31 Jan 2025

Daylit aftermath evidence confirms DEW attack in Philadelphia 31 Jan 2025

DC then Philly (past US capitals) hit; maybe Annapolis MD and Hagerstown MD will be next…

RE the Philly plane takedown. It weighed approx 10 tons and was flying at about 125 mph. The “crater” is barely a foot deep and about the size of a van. Numerous eyewitnesses described and actually said “missile”. It appears to me to be a nine-won-one thing all over again. No crater. No recognizable plane parts (that did not appear egregiously as planted evidence). No definitive video. We’re stuck taking the word of known liars, etc. On top of that, GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS has decoded all kinds of numerological ties between Philly and DC that seem unlikely if not outright impossible. The unburned paint on the road (and buildings, and signs, etc) but several cars sitting at one to two block distance are burning furiously from even before the police arrived [who, several eyewitnesses claimed, arrived with unnatural promptness]…that indicates to me another source of energy was involved. Plus, if you step through frame-by-frame (using period and comma keys), you can see the clouds light up first, then the explosion, but as the explosion grows the clouds become dimmer — this is inverse of what should have happened and also indicates another source of energy was involved. Directed Energy Professionals Society (the ORGanization called “DEPS”) has been online since 1999 with huge military contractors not hiding but selling books, classes, memberships. There is much more to this takedown, and the many others, than the controlled mass media is revealing.

Daylit aftermath evidence confirms DEW attack in Philadelphia 31 Jan 2025

Car-sized Crater too small, fits a missle or van bomb better than a twin-jet plane.

Sky lights up before impact then dims as fireball increases — opposite of what should have happened. Energy beam weapon involved?

Cars further away look like they were toasted, furiously burned, but things nearer impact were untouched. This has signature of beam blaster all over it…

Where are those big heavy engines? Not a trace, not even a dent from two or even just one engine. LOL, another trick! Worked before in 911 WTC trick.

Compare hole to oddly similar holes in Ukraine, probably shows truth of what actually hit there. [[i.e., A MISSILE]]

Evidence of shadow banning on rampage —

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DEW toasted cars, furiously burned, but ZERO evidence of jet fuel anywhere.

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Six in supposed plane, 1 on ground, eerily matches up with gematria numeracy of “67” from the DC manufactured collision

Aaand the plane took off at 6:06 p.m. ..with 6 people on it. Not a coincidence.

See also

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