Evidence of DEW in American Civil War
Truly terrifying but inescapable implication is that advanced technology dates far back into history and has been used against humanity incalculably.
ZERO spent / shot / fired cannonballs appear amidst rubble in any Civil War pictures. ZERO in ANY.
In most ‘aftermath’ images of the American Civil War, bricks appear usually strewn too evenly with no means of how the ‘strewniness’ happened. Even modern battlefields involving highest-power kinetic incendiaries, projectiles and rocketry are nowhere near so evenly strewn with rubble! How was it done so long ago? Image phaekery? Why? How? Maybe another kind of weapon was used, the directed energetic kind.
Today we will dive into photographs of the American South taken during the Civil War Era by acclaimed photographer George Norman Barnard. Barnard first gained infamy for taking what are considered to be the first “news” photographs in history in the year 1853 (which I will also include in this video). Barnard, however, is most well known for his documenting of the destruction of the American South during General Sherman’s Campaign. His photographic evidence of the erasing of the Old World Architecture in America is as eye-opening as it is disheartening. Here are Barnard’s photographs from the years 1861 through 1865. Many of the locations photographed have only been photographed for the first time following this destruction.
I noticed that the “Civil War” history altogether has no photos of actual combat, for example, the famous sea battle of the Monitor vs Merrimack in Mobile bay went on for hours surrounded by many people watching the spectacle and not one photo exists, only paintings and drawings. Where are photographs of the huge famous civil war battles? Photos of the battle aftermath and battlefields full of corpses? I see destruction, soldiers posing, but no war. Great video as always on this channel. Thank you.
@4:19 in mid right edge you’ll see the method used to copy paste in this imaginative-painting-more-than-a-photo.
@ 6:22 the Atlanta Railroad Roundhouse in ruins you see mud piled up, the railroad cars are arranged oddly (staged perhaps) and in the background standing OWA buildings. Very interesting, lots of mud flood evidence. Note Masonic temple in left background of the Intelligencer Office building @10:17. What a collection, thank you Jarid.
Interesting fyi, REM had an album called, Fables of the Reconstruction.
Wonder why there are never large armies photographed. Always just a few people. If people were fighting each other wouldn’t there be a lot of them.
A lot of people would mean people moving about, and the photographic equipment of those days could only record fixed or posed objects, not moving ones. The glass camera plates used then needed very long exposure times.
@ how about a photo of a major campsite. My point is that you never see photos of large groups of people. No battlefields no campsites no columns of marching troops
Sherman did to the South what “Stonewall” Jackson did to the North – destroy as many “old world” structures they could in the limited amount of time they had.
Civil War Era Destruction of the South (Photographic Evidence) 1861-1865 “Sherman’s Scorched Earth”
BELOW: Warped, wilting steel girders, most also shattered as if by kinetic impact. Insta-rusted “cannon” barrel, massively pitted and seemingly weakened.

BELOW: Rubble seems too evenly strewn, the destruction too pervasive to have been done by cannonballs or even TNT.

BELOW: What lock is this?

BELOW: Every single train car totally evaporated? Nonsense. Either photo phaekery or some kind of otherworld energy weapon. No impact crater. No explosion crater. Whatever wiped away so much matter did so magically.

BELOW: Literally 18 guys watching 2 with a prybar. There is military inefficiency and then there is absurdity.

BELOW: “Burned out” building but ZERO soot marks. LOL. Yeah right.

BELOW: The even distribution of the rubble is highly troubling. What energy did this?

BELOW: The evenly cut cement is reminiscent of the evenly cut pillars at the Baltimore Key Bridge DEW attack. Notice ZERO soot on the “burned out” inside walls of the distant structure. LOL. No normal open-air fire did that. The building appears as if only brickwork remains whilst all else was cremated down to white ash, hallmark of DEW attack.

BELOW: Were dirigibles involved? Was a DEW device (or ‘mirror’ / redirector) mounted in an airship, toted around, aimed, and fired at specific targets. That’s what it looks like. ZERO cannonballs in the rubble. Rubble inconsistent with cannonballs localized energy impact.