What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like a Really Bad Sunburn


What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like a Really Bad Sunburn https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Pipeline-blast-in-Kenya-kills-dozens-2167625.php Nairobi Kenya 11 Sep 2011 BELOW: Look familiar? Skin loosed, hanging. Hair unburned. Skin boiled from inside-out, sloughing-off in sheets. This is partly a boiled-flesh injury and partly a microwave radiation injury. Fire, if involved at all, was the minor-most causation of damage. The … Read more

Have THEY been recycling us round and around all down thru history


Have THEY been recycling us round and around all down thru history Overwhelming evidence for DEW going all the way back to earliest historical records…and far further still, evidenced by ancient stoneworks melted. It’s really pretty ghastly and terrifying…the infinitude of our enslavement, misguidance, abuse beyond time immemorial. No worthy God would allow this. Or, … Read more

zzaapp Classic DEW Victim 1991 Gulf War

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zzaapp Classic DEW Victim 1991 Gulf War – The Truly Awful part about this picture is that nearly nobody actually realizes what caused this victim to boil and burn / cremate to ash from inside-out, and that is the horrible reality of microwave Directed Energy Weapons, publicized in 1983 by President Reagan as part of ‘Star Wars’ “Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)” but in fact existing long before then.