Philadelphia Plane Too Big For Hole Jan 2025

Philadelphia Plane Too Big For Hole Jan 2025

“I mean, that supposed plane crater is the size of a grenade hole, like a suitcase bomb in a SUV…”

And here’s “CIA” Ostroff again — otherwise king of Home Depot product analyses videos — spewing video with excellent footage and ‘expert’ analysis!

Here we go again with the Pentacon script — HOLE TOO SMALL FOR PLANE — Plane was 10 tons moving at least 125 mph– a laden dumptruck flying at double highway speed barely cracks the concrete like a sad jackhammer. SOMETHING IS A LIE HERE. Hole should have been wider and deeper and more melted and have metal debris embedded; instead, it looks like a vanbomb went off, or maybe just a really bad Philly pothole! Asphalt melts in bright sunlight; however, asphalt at supposed impact totally unmelted at all- ridiculous! Roadway paint and nearby plastics and fabrics unburned. Moment-zero video (before cops arrived) shows ONLY the several cars on fire, and furiously at that, as if they had been ignited by an external energy beam. Hole shows no impact of engines nor wings at all. ZERO engine debris. ZERO landing gear debris. ZERO real evidence. This very strongly appears to be yet another gigantic trickaroo.

If it even was legitimately a plane as the known-lying Ziomass-media claims —– Another possibility — pilot had been previously shot with the “vid” that is preceeded by “co” and stroked-out.

Maybe the plane was remote controlled. Would explain a lot.

An ORGanization called “WISH” preceded by “DE” (rhymes with “JEWISH”) offers a truly critical analysis of this manufactured event…one so “alt” that YT banning it by shadow!
Philadelphia Plane Too Big For Hole Jan 2025

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BELOW: Oxygen tank nonsense.

20250204 051650

BELOW: Notice electrical motor with windings “splayed out” similarly to the electrical elevator motors atop WTC on 911.

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BELOW: More blatantly planted false evidence.

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See also

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