Brightening of nearby streetlamps hallmarks suspected DEW electromagnetic pulse beam weapon attacks

Brightening of nearby streetlamps hallmarks suspected DEW electromagnetic pulse beam weapon attacks

All videos show clouds lighting up first, then the clouds dim as the explosion grows. This is inverse of what it should be, with the clouds getting brighter as the explosion gets bigger and brighter; instead the opposite actually happens.

Therefore, every video in existence is evidence of a beam energy weapon attack as the clouds light-up first (where the beam presumably comes from), then the explosion grows as the clouds dim! You can watch and verify it on every video, frame-by-frame, it’s incredible: Step thru frame by frame using comma and period keys in youtube.

Another angle video (from behind the Dunkin Donuts) posted to YT today shows a streetlamp glowing brighter whilst the clouds are bright, further evidencing presence of an electro-magnetic beam: In that case, the clouds and the streetlamp dim as the explosion grows.

This light-brightening effect mirrors that seen at the DEW attack on ATT in downtown Nashville TN a few years ago and also the light-brightening effect seen in the DEW blast that destroyed the Georgia Guidestones.

DEPS.ORG – Directed Energy Professional Society, online since 1999


Electromagnetic Induction (magnetic coupling of energy, from DEW beam to streetlamp)

Brightening of nearby streetlamps hallmarks suspected DEW electromagnetic pulse beam weapon attacks

Ongoing modification of evidence — The Hole was too small for the supposed Plane and Still Is even after modification

Notice that video shown by Ostorff (a suspected controlled asset) shows the supposed impact crater is being modified to look more like a 10-ton plane actually impacted there. They could dig to China there and never find anything deeper, because what hit was more likely an energy beam…”scalar” weaponry. President Reagan introduced it in 1983. Colonel Thomas Bearden had analyzed it muchly since.

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If you step frame-by-frame (using period and comma keys) you can see the streetlight get brighter along with the clouds get brighter, all moments before any impact at all. Then, as the impact fireball grows, the streetlight and clouds both get dimmer. This is the exact opposite of what is expected if this is a normal crash with the fireball lighting up the clouds. In fact, it appears that an external source of electromagnetic energy was involved, coming down from the clouds, perhaps down from a mil drone applying beam weaponry. All evidence must be accounted for, and nothing except energy beam can more perfectly explain the streetlight behavior. WISH preceded by JEW and then replace the J with a D — go to the ORGanization of that word, and you will find amazing sourced breakdowns of this attack and many others similar. DEPS ORGanization online since 1999 shows huge mil contractors selling all kinds of books, classes, memberships into their beam weaponry club. This information is only new to the masses who have been duped and deceived, perhaps even by this video. This information has been online since before the beamery also blasted the Baltimore Key Bridge last year.

Also, the hole at 1:10 in is being enlarged; originally, the morning after, that hole was six inches deep and about the size of a SUV. In other words, the evidence is being modified, manipulated, to look more like a 10-ton plane flying at least 125 mph velocity slammed into it. However, other evidence shows involvement of beam weaponry, making this another kind of manufactured event similar to Pentgona and Center of World Trade buildings.

No marks on pavement for wings nor heavy engines. LOL. Another trick, just like before with the magical vanishing planes. I hope you are not falling for Their lies again!

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BELOW: Curiously, the beam weapon and/or the missile projectile caused the top of the sign to warp and crumple in manner similar to other DEW hallmarked sites. Induction of electromagnetic currents causes powerful self-magnetism in some metals tending to cause them to crumple against themselves. Rooftops of cars are the most common as are metal rooftops on buildings.

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The furiously immolated vehicles several blocks up the street make Zero sense because the fireball never passed the street where the car making the dashcam video sat ! Their incredible immolation is best explained by externally applied energy that is directed. “DE” followed by “WISH” followed by the dotted-suffix of “ORG” contains a very detailed and sourced breakdown of a far more likely explanation than some crazy plane with the world’s most unlikely passengers and sob story.

Why do the clouds get brighter BEFORE any impact or explosion and then get DIMMER after the impact and while the explosion is growing. This seems exactly inverse of what is expected: the fireball causes the illumination of the clouds. It seems another energy source, maybe a beam-like one, is coming down through the clouds, perhaps also explaining the brightening of the streetlamp BEFORE any impact or fireball.

“I saw the pictures of where bodies went. When something impacts the ground (such as a person), you’d think they’d be driven into the ground but what really happens is they implode out the opposite direction they hit, sending body parts to rain down or out. People had people meat thrown into their homes and on their streets. One person had a torso hanging off the side of their roof. It was absolutely horrific.”

If what you said were true, then it would have happened with Flight 93 in Shanksville. But everyone there vanished, just like here. Care to revise your theory to explain all facts?

The large piece at about 9:30 is part of the engine housing with the registration number XA-UCI. You can see the bottom of some of the letters.

An engine housing is far more likely to have survived than any part of the wing. The wings probably disintegrated from the combination of impact and the exploding fuel that was stored inside them.

 @StealthyJim  And clearly they disintegrated and vanished without a single trace, no cracked pavement, not even a scratch or dent or discoloration of pavement! PLEASE CALL ME I have some waterfront property in Chernobyl to sell you at steep discount!

There was footage showing the roof of the Dunkin Donuts early on that looked like it was blurring out a possible body. Also, a resident of one of the burnt out apartment buildings said there was a body on her roof on fire. It’s just so awful to think about. I did see a person running in one of your clips, I hope they’re okay. So devastating.

An impact supposedly so severe as to vaporize heavy aluminum wings and heavier steel engines would surely eat all bodies and human flesh for lunch, leaving nothing intact but a fine mist of blood and fat. There were no real bodies, and if there were, the impact as described could not possibly have selectively vaporized all metals but left flesh water bodies intact and simply ignitied then flung them. Makes Z E R O sense. Unless an energy weapon is involved.

The flight data recorder is in the tail of the aircraft. The body parts would be UNDER the recorder in the crater. The pictured object from the oxygen tank isn’t a “regulator” – it’s the tank isolation valve. The threads are sheared off by impact. Aircraft hydraulic equipment isn’t chrome plated (because chrome plating increases the probability of fracturing).

I’m amazed how often people ask where are the bodies? Think about it…………there were no “bodies”. There were parts and pieces. You don’t have an aircraft made of aluminum get shredded into pieces without everything in it also being shredded as well. A human body is mostly water, tissue and some bone. There were no human remains any larger than the pieces of the airplane. An airplane crash is absolutely nothing like a car accident where even if everyone is dead, they are more or less intact.

That’s not necessarily true. Especially in this instance. I’m local to this crash and I can verify 3 mostly intact bodies of the crew. One entered a house through a window. One landed on the front facade of the roof of a house and one is actually seen hitting the sign in this video.

Not that it really matters, but I’d like to know what you mean by “mostly intact”. Nothing on that aircraft was found to be “mostly intact” aside from the O2 tank that are pressure vessels made to withstand hundreds of psi.

Everything is perfectly explained when it is understood that beam weaponry was also involved and that any supposed plane was a missile carrying cadavers. Or, perhaps the target (and the bodies) were pre-planted at that spot and then targeted from above by the beam burst. Or, perhaps the supposed flaming bodies were either pre-planted or simply invented from whole cloth. DE followed by WI followed by SH then followed by adot and then “ORG”anization has much more along these lines. When you rely upon “authorities” who have lied every single time before about everything and have every reason to continue lying, then you are simply choosing which of their lies and fairy-tales you personally want to believe. We have to go on evidence. There is no evidence of any plane, no engines, no wing marks. The supposed bodies (if they existed at all) must have been pre-planted, or else they were simply invented by the lying, complicity and totally owned and controlled mass media.

The white piece that is bent with the letters on it is the one of the ENGINE COWLINGs, upon which was painted the registration number “XA-UCI”.

I think that’s a mil number of a predator missile or something, no? Or maybe it was painted on to a missile. Have you considered very deep deception, like was used back in NYC at the WTC not so long ago?

Also XA-UCI seems eerily close to suggesting an ‘offing’ or “X”-ing of Fauci.

H S I W E D (spelled backwards and then suffixed by a period and then followed by G R O (also spelled backwards) leads to a thoroughly sourced alternative theory explaining all evidence.

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