DEW-powered WildPhyres as tool to Grab Land, Remove Freedoms
Forensic Arborist Robert Brame describes how State and National Parks are being subtly made inaccessible by WildPhyres
38:15 in — “…a redwood grove south of San Francisco called Big Basin State Park, where two-and-half years ago they took the whole park away, burned the whole park up. …incidentally, when they re-opened the park: no more cash; you have to be cashless and use a credit-card and get a reservation to go to the park, even for the day! …and they shrank the parking lot, so there’s never enough parking anymore. They’re doing this everywhere, even Yosemite National Park. No more cash; they don’t take cash. …they put curbs in, so you can’t just pull over [to] look at the views. They make you keep traveling and shrink the parking lots. So, the accessibility is [being made] less and less…even a dirt turn-out, they’re putting boulders in the way so you can’t park your car. They’re slowly getting us [away from] nature; I see it everywhere.”
Comment — “Disconnection from Nature is another mode of psychopathy. Psychopaths are rewarded by Their System.”
BELOW: Blue gum eucalyptus is most flammable leaf RB knows. Pic below shows blue euca that dessicated but did not ignite. DEW attack that blackened the ground.