DEW Attack on Trash Truck Pepes Towing
THEY are normalizing the DEW attacks! This was a mild toasting. Learn to recognize the peculiar evidence inescapably left by all microwave weaponry.
This is EXCELLENT because the DEW Attack is so blatant due to the abundant evidence and also because there are so many views and close-ups of the target from literally all angles.
BELOW: Internal steel belts were superheated by microwave weaponry, causing rubber to melt, ignite from inside-out.

Particularly at 50:41 the internal steel belts appear to have been superheated and rusted whilst still inside the rubber — that is clearly not fire melting the rubber from outside, but rather the belts superheating and melting the rubber away from the inside of the tire out. THAT IS strong evidenece of microwave weaponry. The strong yet ‘impossibly warped’ wheel at 50:44 is more evidence. Use of microwave weaponry is being normalized, apparently in part by attacking large metal vehicles. This is not the first one to suffer this peculiarly DEW-hallmark kind of damage. Many wildphyres (Paradise, Lahaina, etc) also exhibit the same kind of microwave-weaponry damage.

BELOW: Cab superheated and “toasted”, all glass sublimated from solid to gas or melted (micro-metal sprayed in-between two sheets of auto-safety-glass superheats, causing windows to superheat and melt).

BELOW: Notice insta-rusted steel along container. Holes (center-mass, also upper rear) were cut by fire department for spray-nozzle access to douse interior.

BELOW: Steel belts were superheated. Reinforced, strong wheels were easily deformed, even melted.

BELOW: No black soot; also, wave-interference pattern burns on paint, noted by Dr Judy Wood amongst the 1,400 similarly “toasted” vehicles in the 911 WTC Dew Attack.

BELOW: Molten wheels, superheated steel belts, insta-rusted container — all impossible damage without involvement of Microwave Directed Energy Weaponry.

BELOW: Notice the wilted, deformed steel at the very top of the apparatus. Also, the “punch-thru” appears to be too square. Was this hole instead already present? If so, what happened to the access panel? Or rather, was the hole cut-thru by the fire dept? [[ FD does mention at 31:00 that they were going to cut it and spray water inside. Mentioned again at 41:00 ]]

CNG fuel. Tanks already blew. LOL.

BELOW: Impossibly insta-rusted. Steel had no reason to “burn” except that Directed Energy Weapons superheated it.

BELOW: 911 WTC “first responders” (and “first to die”) sniffed up this same kind of molecularly-disassociating grey “smoke”. Cancer rates seem to skyrocket after exposure to this particularly deadly off-gassing.

BELOW: Notice unburnt trash inside, despite all steel having been superheated, “toasted”.

BELOW: Note how reinforced aluminum wheel is completely melted / vaporized / absent.

BELOW: Even the tail lights were melted out! Something made all the steel super-hot, even so far away from the blamed / cover-story / distraction “hot lithium battery”. Directed Energy Weapons can instantly superheat steel; distant batteries or even fire can not.

BELOW: Notice how steel (after having been superheated by microwave energy blast) continues to fume-off grey gas? Per Dr Judy Wood (911 WTC research) and also HUTCHISON EFFECT research, that is not water vapor but instead molecularly-dissociating metal particles – the steel itself has been exicted such that it continues to break-down at the molecular level. The container is closed, starving oxygen; oxygen-starved fires ALWAYS put off black sooty smoke.

BELOW: What’s interesting is that despite the grey off-gassing of the presumably superheated steel, there is precisely ZERO comments made by ANYONE about ANY heat whatsoever.

BELOW: Notice the metal shealth on the exhaust pipe is not strangely discolored yet. Compare to later image (at night, above).

BELOW: Notice molten aluminum atop the A-arm and also atop and next to / below the leaf-spring stack.

BELOW: During lifting, notice the rear-left wheel does not crack, warp, wilt or otherwise distort. The warping distortion apparently occurred later, during set-down, after the material had some time to internally / molecularly break-down after exposure to microwave weaponry that upsets the molecular structure of metals and brittle materials.

BELOW: Seen earlier (above), there is almost nothing inside the front compartment. Nobody up next-to, touching or inside complained AT ALL about ANY HEAT WHATSOEVER. So what is causing all that grey off-gassing? It’s not steam. It’s the steel itself, molecularly breaking-down, just like what was witnessed at WTC on 911.

BELOW: Such supposedly intense fire and heat, and yet ZERO of the rubber high-pressure hydraulic hoses are burned! Hallmark of Directed Energy Weapons attack is that the steel is “superheated” (or perhaps, molecularly-dissociated), aluminum and glass melted, but rubber and other flammables are only affected if in-contact with or too-near hot / superheated materials.

BELOW: Notice wheel rim, which had been under constant load, is now (rather suddenly) warped; is the material self-weakening, self-deteriorating, internally, via molecular dissociation due to exposure to directed energy weaponry microwave electromagnetic radiation?

BELOW: Notice unburned wire insulation, drooping copper wires.

BELOW: Notice driveshaft, extremely heavy-duty strong steel, melted like soft butter.

BELOW: Notice clear view of steel support bar, possibly up to 1-inch diameter, dropping vertically, loop-de-loop as if it had been superheated (or molecularly softened) into soft spaghetti! Damage evidence such as this is utterly inexplicable by any means other than via Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: Notice the entire lock mechanism obliterated / vanished; it was made of different kind of metal, apparently more susceptible to molecular-disintegration by microwave exposure.

BELOW: Steel, exposued by microwave electromagnetic energy via Directed Energy Weaponry, continues to molecularly-dissociate and off-gas itself. These grey vapors are very likely extremely caricnogenic / cancerizing.

BELOW: As you can see, by the COMPLETE LACK OF COMPLAINTS OF ANY HEAT WHATSOEVER, yet the continual whitish/greyish off-gassing of the steel itself, it is the steel itself, the metal itself that is breaking-down molecularly and off-gassing itself. The molecular dissociation is caused by the exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation – the literal energy beam fired by the Directed Energy Weapons. The steel itself is turning into gas, sublimating from solid into gas, but not due to traditional heat, apparently. This is a miraculously revealing image when you understand what it proves.

BELOW: Notice the steel itself has begun to “crack” and delaminate in a seam, just as is seen in so much DEW Attack aftermath rubble. Notice the insta-rust. There was nothing flammable up here, except maybe some thin coating of paint — totally insufficient fuel to cause the amount of superheating that the steel apparently experienced…unless microwave energy was delivered by Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: DEW often causes metal to warp and wilt, and this effect begins with thinner material.

BELOW: Insta-rusted, warped, wilted steel, immediately adjacent to totally unburned hydraulic hoses.

BELOW: You can’t even melt a piece of paper-thin tin-foil with a blue-hot concentrated blow-torch. Open-air (yellow) fire would NEVER melt super-duty reinforced aluminum wheels! Not in any amount, not for any duration. It is literally impossible. This kind of damage is explicable only via microwave radiation supplied by Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: Grey off-gassing continues fervently as steel continues to self-molecularly-dissociate after exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation beamed from Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: So much off-gassing still occurring that fire department elects to re-douse (fourth time?) the suspiciously cold / ambient-air-temperature steel with more water. You would think at least one of them would ask, “Hey, wait a minute, there’s no heat at all, so W T F ?!? is causing all those fumes, that smoke???”

BELOW: Notice the untouched / unburned plastic and/or wood tools immediately adjacent to the completely burned-away rear-right tires! The tires were internally melted via their steel belts which were superheated by microwave radiation blasted by Directed Energy Weapons. Exactly as plastic bowls are absolutely unaffected when “cooked” inside a microwave oven, so too the tools seen in this image were absolutely unaffected. Every image reveals the truth of the DEW Attack, when you understand what to look for, how to and are willing to fearlessly and objectively interpret the awful reality with an open-mind.

BELOW: Steel itself continues to sublimate from solid into gas as molecular-self-dissociation continues, as caused by exposure to microwave radiation beamed by Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: Notice how the off-gas does not disperse as would any normal steam; that is because the greyish / whitish off-gas is literally self-disintegrating steel, as shown by Dr Judy Wood in her book WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO and also demonstrated in laboratory conditions in the HUTCHISON EFFECT.

Note that during the entire event, NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION WAS EVER MADE BY ANYONE REGARDING HEAT OR STENCH . NOT ONE SINGLE COUGH WAS HEARD FROM ANYONE . That is because the “smoke” is NOT SMOKE but is instead off-gassed steel material that has undergone and likely is continuing to undergo molecular self dissociation (disintegration at the molecular level). The microwave radiation beamed by the Directed Energy Weapons causes this hallmark peculiar evidence in all aftermaths of DEW Attacks. The off-gassing is very likely extremely toxic, carcinogenic, explaining the numerous deaths-by-cancer experienced by first-responders to WTC on 911. Unforunately, Alex, Ricardo, and the other inhalers of this deadly-toxic off-gassing are likely in serious health jeopardy. Consider how most of the 911 WTC first-responders died horribly cancerized-lung deaths. Note that Alex NEVER COUGHED ONCE until after he got into his crane cab, after around 30:00 — this indicates the toxic off-gassing has begun attacking his mucousa.
BELOW: Fifth dousing as steel itself continues to self-disintegrate after exposure to microwave radiation beamed by Directed Energy Weapons. The container is sealed; any genuine organic smoke would be black and sooty; moreover, it was seen in images above that the front-upper steel itself was off-gassing the DEW-hallmark whitish / greyish colored material.

There were some comments attempting to explain this entire, ridiculous event as having been somehow caused by a carelessly discarded consumer-product lithium battery. Lithium exposed to air is flammable, but it because explosive when exposed to water: “Dousing with Water: Danger: Lithium reacts explosively with water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, which can ignite. If the battery is actively burning or smoldering, water can exacerbate the reaction.” SURELY THE FIREMEN KNOW THIS.

BELOW: It seems odd to me that the steel container, whilst being cut into by an high-speed saw, sheds zero sparks. Instead, what flails off seems more like cardboard or confetti. Has the container’s steel been softened by the DEW blast and/or continuing molecular breakdown?

BELOW: Note that after a second hole was cut into the container high-up and rear-right, ZERO smoke emanated, seeming to surprise the firemen. This is because nothing is on-fire or burning inside the container; rather, it is the container’s steel itself that is molecularly breaking-down and off-gassing itself after having been exposed to microwave radiation blasted by the Directed Energy Weapon responsible for this entire debacle. Even after many decades of DEW use, most people still have essentially no awareness nor comprehension whatsoever of the energy-beam technology nor its aftermath of extremely peculiar (“impossible”) effects.

BELOW: Notice that, as each time before, the front steel upper compartment, which is completely empty, continues to off-gas, bewildering the annoyed firemen who wholly fail to comprehend that the steel itself is molecularly disintegrating and off-gassing.

BELOW: Hundreds and perhaps thousands of gallons of water poured onto and into the DEW-struck steel trash truck are unable to “extinguish” the “fire”. In fact, it seems that the more water added results in more egregious off-gassing of the steel. This is because the off-gas is molecularly dissociated steel material having been caused by microwave radiation beamed from the Directed Energy Weaponry that disrupted the molecular basis of the steel itself. All of this was noted decades ago by Dr Judy Wood in her book WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO that documented the identical evidence at WTC after 911. Too bad firemen and most humans do not read what really matters. Probably it will matter much more to them when it is finally their house, their vehicles, their belongings that are struck by DEW, but by then it will be far too late.

BELOW: Even with the container filled with water, the relentless off-gassing hilariously continues. Interestingly, at all major DEW attack sites (WTC 911, Pentagon 911, OKC Murrah 1994), water is required and made present on a continual basis. Once begun, possibly the molecular self disintegration does not ever truly stop?

BELOW: With the off-gassing apparently halted, a new problem has arised: Electrical arcing, possibly due to starter batteries.

BELOW: Super interesting the amount of rust-mist given off as fireman moves the insta-rusted steel belts that melted the rubber tires from within after being superheated and/or molecularly dissociated by microwave energy beams / Directed Energy Weapons. Normally, rust takes days or weeks to form; to form in the amount necessary to “cloud” up in puffs would require months or longer. The rust is super-fast oxidation of the steel in humid air. The video shows the puffing rust clearly; probably by now, a week or so afterwards, the steel belts are likely completely disintegrated. Similar self-disintegration was found in the tower of the Woolworth Building in NYC and also the internal girders of the Millenium Hotel in NYC, inescapable aftermath of the DEW used to help take-down WTC on 911. Similar disintegration would no doubt be found amidst all structural steel of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge take-down by DEW.

This job ended up being a little more difficult than normal, because the garbage truck was still burning on fire, everything was too hot to use spreader bar and straps, I agree, they would have just melted. Chain was the only was to get this job done safely, even Jose would agree lol. But the added difficulty of the load still smoldering, fire couldn’t get it out on the interstate, so having to pull off into the nearby town, to give it the really good what for…
What an interesting and informative video. It’s hard to imagine that a fire can take so long to put out. The amount of water they had to use was crazy and that they had to cut into the container in several different areas to get to the “hot spots” amazed me. Very impressive video and watching the guys work together like they were reading each others minds was fantastic. Great job all around.
The smell of burning trash on the highway? Something new to see all the time.
Looks like you have a broken exhaust mount on the tractor. Driver side. The stack has excessive movement. —– This is routine inspection item, and it is easily within reach for change. Most likely the mount was damaged by the Directed Energy Weapon that burned the metal container and superheated the steel belts inside the tires.
Fun fact. The US alone has 180k vehicle fires per year.
Wow, the sheer number of lugubrious comments here for Alex and Ricardo show that A&R may be even more popular here online than in real-life! How strange that seems, until it comes to mind that maybe there is an attempt to draw attention to this event, which serves to normalize the use of Directed Energy Weapons to superheat steel and ignite nearby flammables…normalizing, in effect, a looming attack vector that will be used more and more against society.
This is most disturbing because They are attacking with ever increasing frequency everyday normalcy, normalizing in weak, blunted, unsuspecting, overburdened minds that extremely peculiar and literally impossible effects of phyres caused by microwave directed energy weapons. Almost nobody seems to take notice of the oddities of “superheated” (yet apparently not hot) steel, insta-rusted steel, melted aluminum, vaporized or melted glass, holes punched-thru steel, warping and wilting of strong structural steel, internal melting of steel belted radial tires, and melting and distorting of reinforced aluminum wheels.
In case you are new to DEW, Pres Reagan introduced them in 1983 as (‘star wars’) “Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)” exotic weaponry. See