DEW Attack on Schoellkopf Power Station Niagara Falls NY

DEW Attack on Schoellkopf Power Station Niagara Falls NY

Warped, wilted steel — impossible without blast-furnace or Directed Energy Weapons — remains the dead-giveaway.

Initial collapse 7 Jun 1956. Later sections demolished in 1962.

Nearby Honeymoon Bridge was collapsed in 1938, with girders apparently melted by DEW.

DEW Attack on Schoellkopf Power Station Niagara Falls NY
Steel NEVER warps and wilts under strain, unless it is superheated. Superheating is only accomplishable via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

As a result of the DEW Attack take-down of the Schoellkopf Power Station, the US was able to take control of the power and water situations at Niagara. US and NY state promptly created a massive hydro-electric reservoir and dam downstream, breaking treaty with Indian nation and taking over more than half its land (a gigantic land-grab). US was also able to abide the restrictions of its water-use treaty with Canada. Both Canada and US agree to divert collectively only up to 75% of the natural water flow.

Comparison DEW Attack damage evidence

BELOW: Houston radio tower, taken down by DEW. Notice warped, wilted steel that stood for decades before DEW Attack in 2024.

BELOW: Warped steel in the 911 DEW Attack.

BELOW: Warped, wilted steel of fire truck WTC 911.

BELOW: Houston power grid pylons warped, wilted by DEW Attacks under guise of hurricane damage. Again, steel NEVER warps and wilts without superheating that is only available via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

See also

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Berserker Bear’s Bushwhacking video

“Very peculiar how They have it [the collapse] on video also. J.P. Morgan’s fingerprints are on that.” 3:40 into

6:30 — what the Jesuits do with history — Jesuits exist literally to “counter” the Protestant Reformation; they have also been “in-charge” of “higher education” since its inception here. America is largely a Protestant nation. Is it conceivable that part of the “countering” includes omission, deception? Maybe a religious group which has sworn itself an enemy should not be trusted?

…..not to mention the generations of molestation that has been at their behest. Halloween 2023, Maryland removed its statute of limitations for molestation. The very next business day the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore declared bankruptcy, expecting tens of thousands of claims of molestation to be filed by its many, many victims. This is not just a ‘few bad apples’, it has been hundreds with mechanisms to move them around, hide them; it is manifestly Systemic. Meanwhile, there has been a veritable circus of legal action ever since, with cases mounting. So, by just looking at the plain, awful, and still largely-hidden facts, it is clear “their” intentions and actions are wrongful. Why take the word of admitted (and convicted) molesters for ANYTHING at all? Isn’t that kind of another definition of insanity? To go blindly down the route of ‘black holes’ and ‘outer space’ and ‘red shift’ and ‘globe theory’ and even ‘gravity’ itself (all concepts that 100% have involved / suffered Jesuit influence, subterfuge, control) is sheer and total willfully mind-raped stupidity, IMHO.

Roman Catholic (Jesuit?) priest Father Hennepin, founding missionary – Setting up the local stories to jive with the grander lies?

“Notice the white-hot flash at 22:47 which coincidences with the rock-face separation and collapse, almost as if it’s some kind of energy blast…like from a weapon.”

When Abraham Lincoln visited Niagara in 1848 he mentioned giants. “When Columbus first sought this continent- when Christ suffered on the cross- when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea- nay, even, when Adam first came from the hand of his Maker- then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now. Contemporary with the whole race of men and older than the first man, Niagara is strong, and fresh to-day as ten thousand years ago.” I read this in Jim Vieira’s book Giants On Record

Booooom!!! Bro! You are crushing the narrative with this one, I live close to the falls and have been studying water powered mills, that seemed to be everywhere in the past, even in all the small towns in the surrounding areas. There were old red brick and stone foundation mills at every falls..they have done a good job of getting rid of the evidence in the past 50-100 years, I’ve even done library historical archive searches, no construction photos, lithographs or even drawings to be found for anything..most don’t have architect or builder info all just mysteriously appeared, then disappeared shortly thereafter. All stolen history in the greatest real estate and civilization heist of all time..we’ve been hoodwinked!

 @theScrupulousBerserker  Some guy on another related video commented this and I did some DD… I might be wrong. At 31:34 in your video, I think the first Schoellkopf plant is seen far left (under the building with four rectangles sticking out of the roof). Windows match, and so does that half-level of the roof. The smallest (and closest) water-level building was owned by Schoellkopf (Cliff Paper Co) and was actually the first “power” plant… the larger building next to Cliff Paper was demolished for the third full-size Schoellkopf plant. BuffaloNews has an article titled “The Schoellkopf Power Station, Before the Collapse” which has some great old aerial pictures to cross-reference for location. Referencing 31:34 and the Cliff Paper building, the white/black building with the single long rectangle is a good reference point if checking the BuffaloNews article. ScienceSource has a great photo head-on of the Cliff Paper building (“Electricity, Harnessing Niagara Falls, 1890s”). Finally, a blogger (Right from Niagara) has an article titled “Niagara Falls Then and Now the Schoellkopf Hydro Station collapse” which has some good reference photos for the bridge north of the plants. Right in Niagara also has an aerial photo showing 3A, 3B, 3C and their relative placement with the Cliff Paper building and the larger one, again you will be able to use the “long rectangle” building as a reference point. 

See why the Astors were killed in the Titanic 1909, only a few were the intended target and everyone else was collateral damage. Astors participated in this Niagra Falls energy deals.

T.E.S.L.A – also spells TALE’S – defined in the Cambridge English Dictionary as stories, especially one’s that might be ‘invented’ or difficult to believe. Can you get a more blatant hint than actually singling out the word ‘invented’ when defining to the world everything which encapsulates ‘Tesla?’ Lots of ‘hints’ provide evidence of the matrix being influenced by ‘Freemasonry + ‘dark elements’ unlawfully ‘re-writing’ our ‘natural’ program. Does reinventing the past, change the ‘present’ collective conscience somehow? Dumbed down?

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