Porsche 928 Burned to Ash by Directed Energy Weapons Attack in Ventura County California Nov 2024 – Nov 2024 Ventura County California Wildphyres are DEW Driven Attack on Middle Class in Agenda 2030 Style Forced Exodus then Land Grab

Microwaves induce eddy currents in steel that then superheats to ignite nearby combustibles. The steel itself is being used as the ignition source. Aluminum pools, puddles, runs off in superheated silvery lava flows. Glass and porcelain sublimate from solid into powder, or else sometimes melt in sheets (metal particles sandiwiched in auto glass windows, to repel infrared heat rays, superheats to cause sheet glass to thoroughly and evenly melt). Aluminum door handles seem to disappear. Steel belts inside radial tires burn off all the rubber. Even strong structural steel warps and wilts under its own weight when superheaeted by the microwave attack. This is all well known and well documented, going back many decades.
Steel also “insta-rusts” due to rapid oxidation at high-temperature. Water insta-boils; flesh insta-boils then turns to ash. Nearly all of the victims in Dresden Germany’s “firestorm” curiously had all clothing intact and all hair unburned yet flesh boiled from within and turned to ash, indicating that there was no “firestorm” that did all the killing but instead most likely a microwave attack; microwave attack also explains the many bodies photographed underground, turned to ash whilst sitting in-place, without any apparent attempt to shield from heat or fire (also, note no photographs show a single bomb crater in any road; also note insta-rusted, warped and wilted metal; also note most glass has melted or simply vanished / sublimated from solid to powder). A 1,000 watt microwave oven can boil water within seconds; imagine a militarized microwave blaster, how quickly that can kill. To hear a person being microwaved to death in real-time, listen to youtube of 9-1-1 call of Melissa Doi (from inside a WTC in NYC on 911); over many minutes she laments of so much heat and smoke yet never coughs once; she also complains of “not being able to see the air anymore” (because “smoke is everywhere”, or rather that her corneas were greyed-out by the microwaves). When rats are killed in the lab by microwave, first they are blinded (greyed-out corneas), then they are asphyxiated because the microwaves inflame their mucosal membranes, then they are internally boiled to ash, depending upon the microwave power density and exposure time. These are truly devilish weapons, far beyond knowledge and maybe comprehension of most people, literal “death rays”, and the use of them has apparently been ongoing for many decades and perhaps longer. Exactly similar evidence appears at the FSK Bridge in Baltimore, Paradise Cali (and most other “wildphyres” as verified by Forensic Arborist Roberty Graeme and others), the PEPCON attack in Nevada 1988 (1986?), the “explosion” at Ford River Rouge Power Plant 1999 (and also Chernobyl, and also Fukushima), the “spontaneous human combustions” media-blitzed throughout the 1960s and 70s (and seen most keenly in Dr Mary Sherman’s (of Oswald/JFK/weaponized-cancer infamy (per Judyth Vary Baker) microwave-blasted body), the 1994 OKC Murrah attack, the Pentacon hit on 911, the incinerated planes of Flight 553 Chicago (that took out 11 Watergatees) and Colgan 3407 (that took out Bev Eckert) and the planes of Sen Paul Wellstone (who opposed PATRIOT act) and likely Hale Boggs plane (who opposed the AK oil pipeline), and very likely very many more odd, curious and otherwise “impossible” events, all suddenly PERFECTLY and FULLY explained when viewed from CONSPIRACY FIRST angle that includes Directed Energy Weapons as primary tool. The many nasty webs are intertwined and lead Everywhere.
Usually far-too-wet-for-wildfires Washington DC area is lately being barraged by (Zionic) Mass Media in attempt to normalize “wildfires” as possible in Washington DC area. Zionic mass media can be verified at “THEZOG” dot “WORDPRESS” site. New Jersey is on fire. WTOP local news warning about looming wildfires in Maryland after 38 days of no-rain. Weather War being used to ‘dry out’; pretty soon DEW is expected to begin igniting and furthering wildfires that will no doubt expertly target homes, vehicles, etc.
See PROJECT MINOS out of Brookhaven Natl Labs (and also Fermilab) (both of which are implicated in attacks on OKC Murrah and 911 WTC) – MINOS is LITERALLY an underground / thru-solid-material energy weapon.
Possibly plasma fires. Check out Jeff Snyder
Understand that Trump’s uncle JOHN G was an high-voltage researcher deeply involved in development of microwave weaponry. Trump IS NOT “our” friend anymore than Biden; both along with Fauci, Newsome, Pelosi all deeply Jesu / Vati (in Rome) trained, funded. TWO LEGS OF SAME BEAST.
HUTCHISON EFFECT can levitate heavy objects whilst in microwave + high-voltage gradient fields; presumably, the flipped in-place vehicles experienced some sort of powerful levitation. Also, many persons in 911 describe being “lifted” and “thrown”, etc.
Look in to PROJECT MINOS out of Brookhaven Natl Labs and also Fermilab. Fermi is 666 miles from OKC Murrah in direct line of sight. Brookhaven is 61.1 miles from WTC at angle of 119 degrees and Brookhaven’s RHIC “ion gun” is headquartered in building #911 on BNL campus. MINOS is an underground / blast-thru-solid-material microwave weapon research project.
It’s pretty clear now what CERN also is…..and what Bush’s failed Waxahachie TX supercollider would have been…..
The Brookhaven Natl Labs RHIC “ion-gun” had its NLS (LASER tunneler light source) exactly as you describe prepared just-in-time for the 911 attack. Brookhaven Natl Labs RHIC “ion gun” is 61.1 miles from WTC at angle of 119 degrees and headquartered in building #911.
The weapon causes Eddy currents in the steel and aluminum. Basically the weapon turns the steel into a induction heater.
Eddy currents are generated via changing magnetic field. “They” can focus and modulate the EM field so well that they can generate Eddy currents.
Lahaina torching was done to remove land owners permanently, no insurance claim, lower paperwork, easier land to grab. Otherwise, without clear goal, the torchings of humans seems to be minimized as much as possible, to avoid true clamor, lament, investigation. Bev Eckert, a 911 widow who threatened Obama in the White House about pressing for new investigation of 911, was torched along with other passengers in Flight Colgan 3407. Same thing with Hale Boggs, Sen Paul Wellstone, and Chicago flight 553.
In response to ‘please provide sources’ —– Everything is sourced at a site called CONSPIRACY FIRST, including a 97-part series on Baltimore FSK bridge take-down that includes, AFAIK, all known anomalies. Googling the other terms (on a less controlled search engine such as YANDEX) will give sources. Dresden, for example, look at the US Army pictures and report: no bomb craters, railways untouched, only targets were the historical inner city, all corpses have clothing, hair intact yet flesh boiled down to ash. Melissa Doi phone call recording is self-evidentiary (when heard with ‘new ears’ to discern the microwave assault that was actually occurring — the way her mind was being “brain fogged” as she slowly slips away into breathing problems and then asphyxiation, along with the several persons who were trapped with her, is Truly Haunting). PEPCON, Ford Rouge Plant, Pentacon, corn silos at Beirut (supposed fertilizer blast), plus the apparent DEW hits at Georgia Guidestones, downtown Nashville AT&T building attack, the two huge car barns of hundreds of classic cars that were DEW attacked some years ago, even the otherwise “impossibly” melted multi-million dollar mass of farm equipment shown on a few youtuber LAURAFARMS videos (particularly the totally immolated John Deer combines and also the holes vaporized thru the steel chassis of the 18-wheeler leaving alllll the nearby and even adjacent/touching dried corn 100% not burned! Probably most of the bridge “phyres” also DEW (particularly those showing and even media-hyping warped/wilted massive steel girders!). Probably most if not all of the “phyres” at food processing/packing facilities (said by some youtubers to be around 2,500 such facilities…) — alllll of that damage is readily seen as identical to the DEW damage here in this video — the weapons are the same, the effects the same. All of this and more is apparently part of the presumed ‘subdue the Middle Class’ agenda long underway to disempower USA to resist intended UN subjugation…or maybe it’s just ‘catastrophe creation and capitalism’…
Looks like they are aiming heat at houses and possessions, cars, etc. and trying to make it look plausible that the fires spread by natural wind. Looks like a poor attempt at trying to make fires look normal.