Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

Open-air fire NEVER melts steel engines, steel trucks.

Curiosities; Hallmarks indicating DEW attack

Whitish / grey ‘smoke’ galore, just like 911 WTC.

Steel trailer material itself appears to be on-fire.

“Crash” but where is any second vehicle? No word on victims. Was it driverless truck?

Furiousness of fire and complete immolation without seemingly adequate fuel. For example, cab itself (engine) engulfed first, not the fuel tanks, so where was the leak? Any leak up-front is minimal due to small-diameter metal pipes feeding fuel to high-pressure diesel fuel pump.

Also, spraying water on flaming diesel along a downward slope entering tunnel, inviting the flaming fuel to ride atop the water stream, down into the fragile tunnel, toward the tunnel structural steel girders so weak and frail and likely to warp, wilt, buckle and fail from open-air yellow-flame diesel-fuel fueld fire — would that not epitomize stupidity on steroids?

Also: Did the truck panic-stop? Any fuel that had been leaking during the slow-down / skidding panic-stop is not evident at all. Where are any skid trails from the tires?

Trucks now just burst into raging flames…uh huh.

Was this a test or warning — with all the “intense fires” supposedly (impossibly) causing warping and wilting of structural steel girders lately, this intense fire missed melting and flooding-out the tunnel by feet…CONSPIRACY FIRST has much more including a 98-part series deeply exploring the numerous anomalies of the FSK bridge take-down and many other structures.

I currently live, and work, on North Point Rd area, in Dundalk.. I purchased a house over in Glen Burnie, Solley Rd area, one week before the bridge collapsed, and have not moved into it still, because of the daily commute. The time and coat of this commute has completely ruined the daily lives of anyone in the area! Someone needs to compensate Marylander for this. A 15 minute drive, has been turned into 45 minutes WITHOUT traffic, and hours with traffic! The roads like pennington avenue are nonstop potholes that destroy your vehicle (pop tires, crack windshields, ruin alignment, bent axle, etc). Who do I sue over this?! If I mpve, Ill have to take this drive everyday, that is expensive, and long.. Or, I continue to pay an additional mortgage for a house I cant use.

CONSPIRACY FIRST has a 98-part series delving deeply into the numerous anomalies of the FSK bridge take-down.

Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

DEW Hallmark — whitish / grey ‘smoke’. Open-air diesel fuel fire always burns sooty black. This appears to be metal particulate, possibly from truck steel being turned into dust, just like energy weapons caused WTC to “dustify” in 911? What’s also interesting is hundreds, perhaps thousands of gallons of water sprayed on that fire, into the supposedly burning diesel fuel, yet the fire will not extinguish, the metal itself appears by all evidence to be on-fire, and ZERO burning fuel has run down into the tunnel or even just a few away from the flaming metal.

Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

Pretty soon America’s Catholic epicenter, Baltimore, may be wholly (holy?) crippled? Meanwhile, Halloween 2023, Maryland greatly extended statute of limitations on sexual molestation. The very next business day the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore declared bankruptcy, apparently expecting thousands or more lawsuits claiming sexual molestation. Since then the legal morass has blossomed with many cases filed, motions to dismiss denied, etc. Massive bankruptcies, tremendous molestations, bridge take-downs, tunnel warnings, major traffic disruptions: Fire and fury inflame annals in Baltimore. Conspiracy-first minds can’t help but to suspect that these events are deeply, devilishly intertwined.

BELOW: DEW Hallmarks —

  • steel burned-thru
  • steel burned at all
  • total cremation of cab including massive steel engine
  • molten/wilted steel, impossible without blast-furnace or Directed Energy Weapons

Another DEW Attack in Baltimore Near I95 Fort McHenry Tunnel Threatening to melt then flood it

No skids marks.

DEW Hallmarks: Steel burned-thru! Field-interference effect patterns. Cooled, well-doused steel continues (hours later!) its characteristic whitish / grey off-gassing as molecular dissociation continues due to exposure to microwave radiation of Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: By how, hours later, tens of thousands of gallons of water have been sprayed, yet fire department continues dousing BECAUSE THE METAL STILL APPEARS TO BE SMOKING. Hilariously, the cargo (yet again) appears to be almost wholly unburned and in fact seems to be water-containing carrots and leafy-green produce! So what burned so insanely furiously in the trailer?? THE TRAILER ITSELF — DEW BURNS METAL (put a fork or aluminum foil into a microwave oven to duplicate the effect). Notice that the cab itself (and the entire massive, steel engine block!) cremated down to an height about half that of the firemen! No ordinary open-air diesel-fuel fueled fire did this damage. This epitomizes DEW PHYRE.

Hours later, tens of thousands of gallons of water sprayed, and yet the firemen are still dousing the wreckage with two hoses BECAUSE THE STEEL ITSELF STILL APPEARS TO BE ON-FIRE. Normal fire does not do this. Only Directed Energy Weapons can explain this amount and kind of damage.

The firemen can not figure out what is still burning, nor why — they still do not yet understand that microwave radiation from the Directed Energy Weapons molecularly dissociates the steel itself. Clearly there is no intense heat. THIS IS NOT A NORMAL FIRE BUT INSTEAD A DEW PHYRE.

Look at the warped, wilted drivers cab steel! The whole truck was cremated down into ash, from more than double the height of the standing fireman to almost below their waistlines!

Spraying water for hours, while the traffic jam backs up to maybe 100 miles or more is absolutely preposterous. This is a kind economic, industrial sabotage using exotic weaponry that nearly nobody realizes nor comprehends.


BELOW: Behind the fireman, the steel cab is still off-gassing whitish/grey, despite hours of time being doused with thousands of gallons of water — THIS IS BECAUSE THIS WAS A DEW PHYRE NOT A NORMAL FIRE.

BELOW: What caused the trailer steel to ‘peel’ apart? Look at the incredibly molten metal. This kind of otherwise inexplicable damage is hallmark indicative of DEW Attack.

BELOW: Also Hallmark of DEW Attack, notice the wheels completely burned down, ZERO rubber remaining; even the steel belts appear to have been burned away!

The dowsing of those wet vegetables, even hours later, even after tens of thousands of gallons of water have been sprayed, even though wet vegetables can not possibly burn — They are doing this because they are mistaking as normal fire the whitish / grey off-gassing of the steel and aluminum metals that are self-molecularly dissociated due to exposure to microwave radiation by the Directed Energy Weapons. THIS NOT DEW PHYRE, NOT FIRE — IT IS LITERALLY A NEW KIND OF PHYRE. Also Hallmark of DEW, the after-incident report will note the unusually large amount of water required to extinguish this DEW PHYRE and also the extraordinarily long amount of time taken to do so.

Compare to the similar DEW Attack evidence at LauraFarms, particularly the burned-thru metal immediately adjacent to entirely unburned organic crops —

Note also that this incredibly intense blaze did not destroy or apparently even weaken the overhead steel trusswork, which is much closer to the flame than Cincinatti’s Big Mac bridge was to the plastic playground underneath its DEW Attack site. This shows possible inconsistencies in the ‘oafficial’ stories: Apparently nearby open-air fire in Cincinatti can warp, wilt, buckle and weaken structural steel girders, but in Baltimore open-air fire can not even phase much closer, much lighter steel trusswork. Clearly the trusswork was also involved in the phyre that was hot enough to cremate down into ashes the massive steel engine, drivers cab, etc.!

Also: Notice zero skid marks. Notice no other vehicles apparently involved. The DEW Attack was apparently against the truck alone, beginning cab first. It seems likely the driver may have microwave radiation burns, eye sight effects, likely would report “feeling heat” well before any flames became apparent (as the microwaves would have begun superheating his body-water) — likely driver stopped and quickly bailed out from cab before it became engulfed in flames. Someone should interview the driver.

Since when does open-air fire melt steel?!? That damage looks to me like the truck was hit with an energy weapon. CONSPIRACY FIRST site has tons more including 98-part deep dive into many anomalies of FSK bridge take-down. It was apparently done using the same weapons tech.

BELOW: The shock-absorbing bumper is too-near the truck’s stop point; also it is not massively crumpled, also indicating a low-veolcity, glancing blow. The crush-bumper is not what stopped the truck, and it is also not what caused the “crash”. Further up-stream in traffic, zero footage exists of any other vehicle. This single-vehicle is also hallmark of DEW Attack.

Interesting video comment —

I don’t know what happened but trucks over 5 ton are supposed to use the right tunnels going each way

Again, when you figure CONSPIRACY FIRST, DEW-ATTACK PRESUMED, everything just falls perfectly into place, makes instant complete and total sense, resounds with absolute truth. Meanwhile, the ‘oafficial’ story remains bewilderment, inexplicablae, and “still under investigation” that will continue on forever until it is finally realized how DEW Attacks work, the kinds of ‘inexplicable’ yet hallmark damage they inescapably leave.

Below, initial news report, initial imagery —

Extremely intense flames

See also Another DEW Attack I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis MN 1 Aug 2007

Another 18-wheeler, front of cab partly crushed, remainder totally immolated, cremated down to nearly nothing, just like this attack above. Similar with the rear container — holes burned thru metal, phyre that will not extinguish. Its amazing similarities (due to similar DEW cause) were overshadowed by the larger bridge take-down event. With new eyes and greater understanding, what was unseen or mysterious is now painfully obvious.

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