In beamfield Eyewitness account of DEW effects Spice Prince Lahaina BrushJunkie
This guy was inside the microwave energy beam whilst the attack was underway and destruction happening. His remarkable next-morning video is riddled with extremely telling hallmark DEW damage.
Thank you for sharing this eyewitness info. It’s vital, to know what effects are going on when you’re inside the DEW-attack beam area.
7:30 “A lot of people went to sleep that day that normally don’t,” … Dehydration from microwave DEW’s?
RE the induced unusual sleep — Also possible that THEY applied a modulating signal, a ‘go to sleep’ alpha wave modulation upon the microwave carrier beam (that is itself weaponized) — the microwave frequencies superheat metals by inducing eddy currents (also super-spins and heats via friction water molecules, identical to microwave oven cooking mechanism) and the modulation upon the microwave frequencies (perhaps amplitude modulation? like AM radio) itself a frequency, perhaps alpha, designed to induce sleep in human brain. LESS SURVIVORS = LESS LAND OWNERS = LESS INSURANCE CLAIMS = LESS QUESTIONS
Day before a strange cloud fog vog like cloud came from the crater and covered part of Kula where I was staying.. I was outside, felt dizzy and sick, had to lay in the shade.. made it inside , got water and layed down.. didn’t get up for dinner, slept all night and woke up with a hangover.
And the evil was magnified unimaginably by The Lion’s Gate Portal (8/08) the most powerful day in astrology
Not vaporized…cremated. Same thing done in Dresden WW2, They just lied about the ‘firestorm’ — all bodies photographed there had clothing, hair unburned but flesh cremated down to ash. THEY have had these kinds of weapons for a very long time, perhaps thru resets as identified by MICHELLE GIBSON and others
TANGENT — To hear a person dying in real-time on a phone call to 9-1-1 made on 911 from the WTC, listen to youtube of MELISSA DOI. In it you can hear her say “I can’t see the air anymore” (because her corneas were greying-out, the first casualty when soldiers are hit by microwave beam weaponry is their eyesight); she also says, it’s so hot, it’s so hot, there’s so much smoke, yet she coughs zero times during the 30 minute call. Her mind slowly withers and she fades away, literally, during the call. It is amazing to hear. And Quite Dreadful. When rats are microwaved to death in the lab, it is their mucous membranes that swell up, their lungs puff up, and the rats die by asphyxiation. Blinded, dumbfounded, choked out…these weapons are almost unimaginable to the average person. Much more in online at the ORGanization called “DEWish”
Extremely high-winds mentioned.
Unusual sleep inducement.
Numerous explosions mentioned throughout.
Metal buildings on-fire (the metal itself burning). ~12:30
Slow implosion of all-metal buildings ~ 12:45 “I’ll never forget the sound; it was like metal rain. These giant buildings were just sucking [themselves] in like someone was crushing a tin can.”

“Soft-ball sized embers whizzing by skipping along the street.” ~14:00
Power out.
Dead bodies all around Front Street. ~19:30

Charred field yet no wildfire nearby. ~16:00 in
“Smoke, kinda looks like steam.” — noting the unusual whitish/grey misting, and not the expected black-sooty kind. ~16:20
Levitation of person ~20:00

Air felt unusual. Static? Electromagnetics? Chemtrails beforehand, hallmark.
Scatter-brained behavior.
Arguments. Nose-bleeds. Angry energies. Touching earth post-attack causes uneasy feeling; being in water is calming. Interesting that major post-DEW attack sites include water features (massive water well fountains at WTC; hundreds of mini-fountains under each seat marker at Pentacon; large pool at OKC Murrah Building monument).
Starting over is like 3 full-time jobs but you’re not getting paid. ~32:00
You do realize the “smoke” was not real smoke but molecularly-dissociated materials, broken down by the microwave radiation of the DEWs. ~34:00 in RE the “smoke”. It’s not smoke. “A lot of peoples’ animals passed after [the DEW attack], the same day even; it was really weird.”
“Looking around, and you’re standing inside of Hell.” ~35:30
BELOW: 37:33 — Metals insta-rusted, molten, warped, wilted, distorted. But, nearby and nearly all-plastic HVAC units are essentially untouched; same with plastic tree planter.

BELOW: Notes ~37:30 about blue-roofed buildings were the only ones in which the metal itself was not lit on-fire, the only ones which did not self-crumple.

RE Explosions. ~38:00 NOT propane tanks.
About the exploding propane tanks — the propane tanks are well-grounded and thus shirk DEW attack.
I bet the explosions you were hearing was the rebar inside the concrete walls heating up, from either induction or harmonics or whatever, enough to pop the concrete
Could be. I was thinking hot water heaters — big tank, localized water, not necessarily grounded (or grounded ‘enough’ at RF frequencies); microwave blaster superheats the water, kaboom, steam explosion, and yes, ‘one every five feet’ more or less, in apartments / quads.
BELOW: Testimony and video evidence of rubble, blown massively away from structure. Possibly caused by internal water, insta-superheated into steam explosion?

“There were explosions that were literally like every five or ten seconds apart. It sounded almost like if you had bombs going off, but [at a] machine-gun [rate]…rapid-fire of explosions going on.” ~39:15

“My ears just rang, for weeks.” ~39:40 — Microwave radiation exposure causes tinnitus, ear-ringing — that most live under chronic exposure to microwave radiation (via cellphones, wifi) evidences this further.

40:00 — metal itself was superheated by eddy currents induced by microwave radiation in DEW weaponry — the metal itself was made into the “fuel” that ignited touching or too-nearby flammables.

Steel Engine blocks are melted and aluminum wheels are completely puddled-out onto the asphalt, but there are trees right there.

There’s a concrete wall that’s missing there. Appears to have had rebar in it.
“[The wall] didn’t collapse. It was gone. It was powder. It disappeared. There was no wall.” ~41:00

BELOW: “My Harley Davidson, that I built, we couldn’t even find [its] motor…” ~41:45

Total immolation. Rubber tires completely burned into nothing; notice piles of internal steel belts, insta-rusted, apparently superheated by eddy current induced by microwave radiation from DEW, making the superheated steel belts themselves act as the fuel source.

BELOW: Everything cremated down to white ash except the insta-rusted steel which was apparently transformed into the “fuel” source due to superheating via eddy currents induced by the microwave radiation of the DEW burst(s).

BELOW: Many flammable items miraculously survived the firey maelstrom — each was blue or a color containing blue. Blue seems to inherently repel the frequencies of the microwave weapon.

BELOW: Mentions that the many (~15) varied bow-killed animal skulls he had taxidermied and mounted: “There wasn’t a tooth, there wasn’t an antler, there wasn’t a bone, there was nothing: powder, absolute powder.” ~43:00 The bone fragment shown is the single surviving piece he found.

BELOW: Crystal singing bowl survived.

Spice Prince mentioned his destroyed apothecary shop, countless time and effort invested in learning about, collecting plants, lab apparati to distill essential oils, etc. ~45:00
Concrete explosions mentioned again ~48:00 — amazing distance from the nearest structures, etc. Chunks included rebar.
“Oil was bubbling out of the [motorcycle engine, falling] onto the ground, burning holes in the pavement. But, the gas tank that was full of gas and made of plastic, and all of the fenders and everything else [non-metallic] was totally fine [untouched]. The engine was seized…there [had been] no fire near it…his girlfriend has 3rd degree burns [on her arm], but there was no fire near.” ~49:00

BELOW: Akin to many findings of forensic arborist ROBERT BRAEME, the wooden railroad tie was burned only nearby to where the spike had been inserted.

BELOW: Microwave burst(s) superheated the water inside the once-live tree, causing internal scorching and steam explosion. Burned from its inside-out.

BELOW: Impossibly wilted (“corkscrewed”) metal and steel i-beams, molten and caused to self-distort in multiple axes (without loading) all at once. Impossible without Directed Energy Weapons as energy source. As the eddy currents are induced in the conductive metals, the current flows induce magnetic pulls, pushes and other distortions that cause self-contortions, “self-corkscrewing”. This is very common in DEW Attack debris and is an immediate hallmark.

BELOW: “The large beam is 1-inch structural steel. The roof wasn’t heavy enough to bend that; it’s not bearing any [appreciable] weight.”

BELOW: “A regular fire wouldn’t twist that [metal] up like that; it’s completely twisted, like a rope.”

BELOW: Most “smart” meters melted. Smart meters send and receive microwave signals. Overloading them with a massive microwave energy burst(s) at military-weapon scale would surely allow such magnificent destruction.

Rows of nails in parking lot, “…it’s like they were shot out of the walls…they were all in a line…” ~56:00
BELOW: 2-story house completely obliterated, cremated down to base concrete walls; notice unburned trees all around. “There’s trees, fallen inside, and they’re still there; they never burned.”

“Chicken coops for people”
BELOW: “It’s not secret, They’re wanting to building [Lahaina into] a [15-minute] “smart city…there’s another sector [containing] what look like chicken coops for people, and there’s hundreds of them.”

“90% of disease is spiritual, and 10% is diet, and that’s still a big number…it just shows the power of the mind.” ~1:12:00 in, Spice Prince