Impossibly warped wilted Structural Steel Girders Evidence DEW Attack on Cinci Big Mac Bridge

556 linear feet of structural steel girder will be replaced in the project.
“Pro” engineers and even people having critical minds should be strongly questioning HOW structural steel girders were warped and wilted by open-air fire, because such is impossible, as every gas stovetop owner, backyard griller, and blowtorch user can verify. IM POSS IBLE
Thick steel girders (that “wick” heat away in massive heat-sink style) that somehow warp and wilt like sunlit taffy, from a plastic / wood fire over one-hundred feet below is preposterous. SOMETHING ELSE MELTED THAT STEEL.
@CaseyJones-Engineer Excepting this bridge (and maybe some of the other similar mysteries of recent times, including the WTC girders that mostly turned to dust but many of which warped in multiple axes inexplicable under any load), I’d sure like to see an example of any structural steel girder warping, wilting resulting from exposure to open-air fire of any duration. My much weaker gas stovetop – iron vs blue flame, sometimes for hours – has lasted perfectly well for decades. Same with my much weaker still backyard grill. In comparison, these recent wispy, yellow-flame open-air organically-fueled catastrophes are extraordinary in the extreme. The presumable ‘energy beam test / attack’ on Washington state’s White River Bridge in 2015 shows similarly oddly warped structural steel girders (on flikr COMpany site, under photos, under wsdot, it’s pic # 17100885625 — ). I’m wondering if the fire in this case was simply distraction.

The plastic playground, supposed “fuel” —

More than a month since the fire: “We still do not know what started it at all.” ~2:00 into

See initial post —
The wilted beams are drooping more from the top than the bottom. Being closer to fire (if the fire was indeed responsible for the wilting), the bottoms would have drooped more, like a candle melted from fire below. Instead, it seems as if an energy source (like maybe a beam weapon?) that caused the tops of the beams to melt first (and more) was in fact above the beams. Yes?
Also, it’s peculiar how narrow and defined is the area of wilting. You’d think that the heat (if from fire) would be spread broader, giving much more even curvature to the wilt; instead, the wilting appears to have been caused by a localized heating, as if from beam weapon rather than open-air fire one hundred feet below…just another thought.
The deformation of some of those beams is amazing. Must have been damn hot during that fire.
Directed Energy Weapons have been shown to do that kind of wilting. I’ve been thinking that maybe the “fire” is a cover story. What do they call it, disaster capitalism, with manufactured disasters.
on local talk radio a few days ago was a statement from ODOT that the bridge repair date is indefinite as the steel material to rebuild the structure does not exist and there’s a redesign issue.
Not a playground, it was a playgroung shaped improvised incendiary device.
In a way this is like the PEPCON disaster where they stored the rocket fuel in plastic and aluminum barrels at the factory. The final fuel mix required the fuel in a rubbery plastic matrix with aluminum catalyst.
PEPCON was one of the initial Dir Energy Weapons tests. The impact of the explosion is really an implosion. Steel pipes underground were melted some distance from the plant. Plant made rocket fuel, was a competitor to Dick Cheney’s HALLIBURTON. Cheney’s company went on to take over the rocket fuel production. Whole theory about the scalar weaponry aspect, as described by Col THOMAS BEARDEN on the DUTCHSINSE channel (and other places).
yandex image search “SKYSCRAPER FIRE” shows numerous steel-gut skyscrapers, FEVERISHLY on-fire. There’s no apparent wilting of steel girders, nor weakening, nor collapsing. To my mind, this event is just another in a long string of similar events attempting to normalize the extremely abnormal wilting of structural steel by open-air fire. If that gets normalized in the minds of the clearly dupable mass public, it will become open season for ever increasing firey maelstrom.
ERIC777 youtuber video reveals that Jesuits control Raytheon, maker of Weapons of Energy that is Directed. Jesuit motto: “Go forth and set the world on fire.” What if they literally mean that and have the capability to do so.

BELOW: At 2:00 in, the close-up of the not entirely all burned playground debris, there appear to be several metal beams that are not wilted. I’m wondering how non-structural steel (and in fact probably much lesser strength / much lower quality metal) survived without any bending or wilting whatsoever, versus American-made structural steel, likely best-in-world, was somehow caused to wilt from the top down, what, one-hundred feet above. Lots of evidence from this event fails to make coherent sense. What if the playground fire were secondary, like a diversion? Anything could have been hidden inside those black screens / curtains, for example. Or maybe there is something to the energy beam ray theory?