1983 Mianus River Bridge DEW evaluation
Not many photos or video to examine, but suspicion raised due to:
The entire section seemed to give-way then suddenly drop straight down all at once. No “tilted” or angled debris. This seems to counter the NTSB report which notes the four supports failed sequentially not all together at once. The final support to fail would have held up that corner resulting in at least somewhat angled debris; however, the entire road section and supporting steel girders, which are 15 – 20 feet thick, seem to have become nothing after collapse.

Also: Surprising lack of steel debris — was it superheated / “dustified” similar to WTC 911 ?
Mention of streetlights having gone out prior to collapse. Immediately adjacent streetlight seems likely to have gone out due to severed power wiring.

Pulverization of concrete (similar to WTC 911).

Warping / wilting of adjacent steel walkway.

Warping of guard rail, though possibly due to traffic collision.
Notable: The amount of rust that does appear to be natural, pitting. This supports NTSB conclusion / blame of collapse on rust:

There’s some weird stuff here, but it’s not definitive of DEW attack.