Philadelphia plane crash evaluated as DEW attack Jan 2025
It’s mainly because the cars are so intensely on-fire and they are essentially the only things on-fire. Also, the imagery of the plane looks phaeke, and the immediate high-intensity light pulse resembles a scalar DEW burst more than a firey impact. Also there is TINY impact crater. Also, there is ZERO shaking of all nearby mounted and carried cameras, so the ground did not even rumble at all! Also, the 6:07 downing gematrically relates to the “67” numeracy of the DC takedown, 44 hour difference in take-down times. ~40 secs after takeoff. Height of 1600 feet.
There should have been a lake of fire, flaming fuel everywhere, not just cars burning intensely and almost nothing else. It appears as if they cars were somehow targeted… EVERY EARLY-ON VIDEO shows the cars TOTALLY IMMOLATED, BURNING FURIOUS FROM WITHIN, not ‘catching on fire’ from burning fuel spewed everywhere.
The lack of appropriately-sized impact crater, especially from a multi-ton two-engine “missile” blaring down at steep angle — there should be some kind of impact crater in that relatively soft asphalt. The lack of such is EXTREEEEEMELY SUSPICIOUS.
TOTAL LACK of any camera shake amongst ALL nearby house/building/pole mounted cameras, which should have shaken if the ground had shaken…
Lear jet with two heavy jet engines should be present. Where is any rear rubble? This is 911 all over again.
Inadequate impact crater.
No ground shake.
DEW-toasted vehicles but little else burned.
Indicates an energy weapon.
Numerous eyewitnesses describe seeing fireball in sky first, then…
“NO CRATER AT ALL also indicates no impact as if the plane had been hit by energy beam whilst flying. DEWISH ORGanization evals this as energy beam attack. Instead of being brainwashed, take a fresh look with open mind at the alternative possibility of this (and DC plane/helo) as attacks.”
Zionic CBS News removed its uploaded footage (or perhaps so did an Higher Power) before it could be downloaded in prevention of censorship…anyway, the original upload was at this link (which no longer works as of Mar 2025):
Before CBS News 3 in Philly (the uploader) made ‘unpublic’ the video, fortunately there are screen-grabs below of the furiously burning DEW-toasted vehicles (and essentially nothing else on-fire).

Cars flaming intensely, just like from a DEW hit, but chunks of plane metal apepar magically, completely devoid of any soot, burn marks, black residue of any kind. LOL… EXCEEEEEDINGLY UNLIKELY. No scrape marks. No crumbling deformation due to impact. Conveniently with medivac marking to support the supposed claims of the complicit and controlled Zionic mass media. This is extremely suspicous as funk, just like the planted faeke plane evidence at Pentacon and 911 WTC street corner.

And here we go again, with the whitish/grey ‘smoke’ mist characteristic of DEW attack…

Also, eyewitnesses describe near-instant police and firemen presence, as if the approximate location was preknown, resources pre-readied.
Also, the initial impact has the DEW-hallmark of intense extreme initial flash, then subsidence, then the true firey burst. This appears to have been a plane that was targeted and blasted whilst still in mid-air, with debris strewn over numerous blocks. Zero impact crater. No ground shake. No thunderous impact explosion. A twin-engine lear jet would have made a several kilo-ton explosion. Instead, the situation appears to have involved DEW in no small part.
If you step through the frames (using period and comma to go frame-by-frame) particularly in this video you will see the initial strike is violet, abrupt, powerful, (this the DEW scalar burst) and then its energy diminishes. A few moments after initial impact, the clouds are actually lit up brighter than the ground, giving the appearance, unbeliavably, of an air-burst! …and then the ground-impact scene “explodes” in a more natural appearing manner. This appears to have been a DEW-assisted take-down.

“…almost like a missile out of the sky…” 0:45 in
This poor guy from Ukraine is traumatised. He thought it was a missile. What a nightmare. A medevac aircraft trying to save a child’s life and then the crash. What a tragedy. OMG..
And such an Ukrainian eyewitness to missiles would know what a missile actually looks like, sounds like, smells like, and actually does…..maybe instead of discounting his take on this from our ‘normal bias’, we should instead critically consider another possibility. Two take-downs in two days is starting to indicate a very troubling pattern…
This appears to be another energy beam takedown. DEWISH has full eval up now. The video frames show a multi-part energy burst then explosion. The clouds light-up first. Clearly an energy weapon involved. Open mind. Don’t fall for another of Their brainwash tricks. Take a look at a fresh viewpoint and theory.
Man, being on a Medivac Jet is scary at this point. It was only 2-3 years ago another Medivac Jet lawn darted into a hillside in San Diego when it was trying to land in a storm.
FEAR OF FLYING is one goal of this ongoing agenda. Learn up on DEWISH ORGanization
January 20: FAA director forced to resign
January 21: Air Traffic Controller hiring freeze
January 22: Aviation Safety Advisory Committee disbanded
January 28: Buyout/retirement demand sent to existing employees
January 29: First American midair collision in 16 years; deadliest aviation disaster since 2001
January 31: Second plane crash in 3 days.maybe it was a trick, there was nobody, it was partly a missile, and the whole thing, just like most of the mass shoahtings, is another Big Trick — DEWISH presents evidence
That plane looks as though the plane was on fire before it hit the ground. So very sad.
“almost like a missile”
The plane was on fire before it hit the ground. You can see it on the picture.
It’s ironic that after the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the Washington Commanders that air crashes happened in Washington and Philly.
The Controllers doing these energy beam take-down do have a sense of humor, it’s called mockery, and They do it with laughing impunity. DEWISH has much much more
Another plane down?! What a shocker! It’s going to continue to happen.
Philly once the national capital, and DC is the current.
Next targets under this reasoning are ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND AND HAGERSTOWN MARYLAND also former or once-planned-to-be capitols… DEWISH has much more.
Gee, that’s a shame. Is that 3 plane crashes in a week?
Four. The F-35 crashed. A helicopter and the jet. And now this jet.
Trump fired 400 FAA senior officials, the TSA head, and 3,000 air traffic controllers just 8 days ago. Policy choices have consequences.
Also interesting in this video clip: The trajectory of the thing coming down is kind of a sideways-arcing parabola. Also, notice the porch lightbulb (to the right) gets considerably brighter as soon as the guy steps out just as the parabolically-arcing thing appears and begins descent. All evidence of NOT A PLANE and more likely an energy blast.

Sky lights up far too quickly, far too brightly, for an almost non-existent initial explosion. And, in fact, the sky dims as the explosion grows in size. This is because the initial impact energy was a DEW blast.

Same extreme initial brightness of sky versus tiny / non-existent impact burst, followed by massively growing impact fireball yet tremendously dimmer sky. ALL VIDEOS PROVE THAT THE FIRE IS NOT WHAT LIT UP THE SKY. What lit up the sky was the initial DEW blast.