What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like a Really Bad Sunburn
Nairobi Kenya 11 Sep 2011

BELOW: Look familiar? Skin loosed, hanging. Hair unburned. Skin boiled from inside-out, sloughing-off in sheets. This is partly a boiled-flesh injury and partly a microwave radiation injury. Fire, if involved at all, was the minor-most causation of damage. The unburned hair, unburned eyebrows, and near-total lack of blackened charcoal-burned flesh evidences this horrible fact. His eyesight may be ruined due to insta-cataracts (i.e., the greying of corneas which are wet and thus microwave-heatable yet have no blood-flow for cooling). Radiation victims at Chernobyl, it is said, had similar appearance. Skin sloughing due to radiation exposure (either ionizing or non-ionizing) is similar.

BELOW: Hair unburned. Clothing intact. Blackened flesh rings around eyes likely caused by plastic safety glasses whose internal metal support was superheated by eddy currents induced by microwaves in DEW weapon. Other flesh is boiled inside-out and tends to slough-off in sheets instead of the otherwise expected (had this been solely a true fire) blackened “crispies”.

BELOW: Again, skin boiled from within. Hair unburned. No evidence of fire at all. Evidence of microwave onslaught.

BELOW: Same person as immediately above, clothing untouched.

BELOW: Microwave radiation damage boils the skin from inside-out. Skin then reddens (not blackens, until it completely atrophies) as it sloughs-off. This is a really bad sunburn NOT a burn from open-air flames.

BELOW: Clothing intact because microwave radiation does not harm fabric. The rips were presumably made by doctors to access and treat wounds caused by flesh boiled by microwave radiation exposure.

BELOW: Same woman immediately above. Note the sharp edges to the microwave weaponry beam pattern. Normal fire burns in a diminishing-from-source pattern, always, NEVER with sharp edges. This woman may have lost her left-eye vision as microwave radiation from DEW causes insta-cataracts as the cornea is greyed out (it has no blood flow, no cooling, yet is wet with intersticial fluid that is superheatable). It appears as if she caught a glancing-blow of the beam weaponry. Insta-sunburn!

BELOW: Bodies cremated down to white ash. The flesh apparently got hot enough to cause clothing to immolate, or else the clothing was wet (water is superheated by molecular excitation and spin caused by spinning microwave energies).

Note the total lack of black soot or residue of any kind; there is ZERO evidence of any damage except by microwave radiation / DEW attack. Moisture in the body (70% of its constitution) was superheated and thus weaponized, made into the “fuel” that did most of the resulting damage. Interesting is the telltale “shadow” around the body; reminiscent of similar “shadows” found at the very-strongly-suspected DEW attack sites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In Iraq / Gulf War, eyewitnesses reported that the bodies had been unnaturally “shrunken”. This would be 100% consistent with water boiling and being evaporated, with up to 70% of the human body being water. Microwave DEW victims would have their internal water boiled away as it superheated their flesh, simultaneously cooking and charring their consequently shrinking bodies from within. Truly ghastly.

Note the “praying-mantis” poise taken on by the bodies as the sinews are dried and pulled taught as the water is superheated and boiled away. Notice their limbs, thinned by the water evaporation. These are victims of an intense energy beam tuned to boil their flesh and not necessarily conflagrate their clothing or hair.