Houston Radio Tower Taken Down with Directed Energy Weapons
WILTED STEEL DEAD GIVEAWAY TO DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS USED — Tower-height 999 feet (666 upside-down) LOL Happened 9 minutes into flight by new tour company 11 days after opening. LOLOL gematria is gone-wild in this controlled take-down of infrastructure, probably insurance fraud just like FSK bridge by DALI in Baltimore, 911, and many more.
Oct 2024
This is a lie. Dir Energy was used .. why is the ground all black with even edges? No amount of fire melts steel; it takes a blast furnace to do that. Helicopter fuel in any amount burning in open-air fire of any kind can NEVER melt steel — it’s basic physics and long-known reality (per anyone who uses a backyard grill). Something else was used here. Dir Energy. They are testing [use of this tech on thing structures such as power-line and RF towers]; normalizing it. Who benefitted from this take-down?
Imagine the odds. WIDE OPEN sky, and they hit a target that is less than 15 feet wide. They completely missed the guy wires and smacked right into the tower.
Public safety should always come first. Why the hell is a foreign company buying up US communications towers?
There are other angles captured by at least two other security cameras, and they show the top and middle lights of the tower flashing as the helicopter approached. Tower is not an issue.
Lights on a tower are just one set of safety measures that should really never be needed. Towers that tall are clearly marked on charts and pilots should plan their flight path to be no where near them. Pre-flight briefing should cover any obstacles even remotely near the flight path. If an obstruction like this is near the flight path, no sane pilot would fly below the height of that obstacle. There are 1.2 MILLION charted obstacles in the US so a very common thing for pilots to avoid, especially those that fly low and slow.
Probably insurance fraud. Look how close the many buildings are to the tower; that was an HUGE liability — maybe it was cheaper to down the tower? Foreign-owned; possibly sabotage right in our faces (a kind of cyber-infrastructure attack?). Also suspicious how the tower “folded” like an accordion. Also suspicious how the tower steel seems to have “wilted” as if superheated (by microwave weapon?) Also suspicious how chopper debris not obvious. Also suspicious the huge burned area with straight-edge (as if done by directed energy?). Also suspicious the FAA clearance for 600 feet and the NOTAM and recent sale to foreign corp (perhaps sabotage? fraud? why presume all evildoers do so solely via internet cyber attacks?), etc. Way too many oddities to sweep this one away glibly with “pilot error”. Also suspicious: tower 999 feet talle, 666 upside-down. Also suspicious the lack of discernible fireball but instead a full-intensity white-hot “explosion” that looks more like an energy zapping.
The NTSB preliminary report states the tower lights were working properly and that a NOTAM was issued only due to a recent change of ownership.
Tower had at least 2 lights, there’s another video showing one about half way up, the helicopter’s landing light illuminated the tower a couple of seconds before impact.
There’s another angle to this incident and shows ALL lights flashing. The helicopter struck the tower between 2 flashing lights.
Tower sold by Univision in Sep 2024 to “SBA” which manages towers [takedowns?] in several countries.

Steel debris melted…problem is open-air fire of any length or intensity or kind can NEVER melt steel, as proven by every backyard grill, blowtorch and fireplace. Was this yet another case of infrastructure being targeted and melted by directed energy weapons?

Stepping thru the video frame-by-frame reveals oddities in the presumed “explosion”. Firstly, the “explosion” comes on only after one-second delay after helicopter lights extinguish; (2) it begins very small; (3) it flares up and down in intensity; (4) there is no vertical debris trail; (5) the tower structure does not seem to sway or move horizontally at all in response to the impact; (6) the tower is visibly standing as the “flaming” helicopter debris tumbles.

3:15 “…the pilot swerved slightly [while within a few daozen yards of the tower] to put [the helicopter] in direct [crash-] course with the [tower].”

Many heli crashes, even flaming crashes — ZERO shows near-absolute cremation and wilting of all steel.

Dir Energy blasts flash and highlight at specific “fold points” as the firey debris falls past each point, providing cover, but eyes that can see, can see what actually happened — another attack take-down on infrastructure. This one likely insurance fraud, because the tower was illegally too-near many dozens of nearby ground buildings.
The supposed falling ‘flaming debris’ lights up a few times as it crosses the presumed targeted strike-points where the DEW blasts melted the tower into accordionable sections. Video shows it essentially falls into its own footprint, sparing all the many dozens of extremely (and illegally) nearby ground structures.

Yall that was intentionally done. She hit it square.
EXACTLY like the DALI hitting the FSK bridge in Baltimore — same metal-melting Dir N.R.G. weaponry was used. Exactly the same M.O. Insurance fraud here, too.
i think somewhere is seen they were moving over 100 mph… willing to bet they all died instantly. and never had to think about what was happening as they fell 600 feet.
Seems like someone was pointing a laser pointer at the chopper
Yeah, a LASER firing from above! Dir N.R.G. weapons, done just like baltimore bridge takedown.
And there are other towers in the area as well. And the pilot was familiar with the area. No excuse for flying that low. Something is way off here.
Maybe the heli was remote-controlled? Or tractor-beamed, like the Colgan 3407 that wiped out Bev Eckert, the outspoken 911 widow who refused Obama’s settlement and pressed for new investigation….funny how coincidunce works like that, eh?
Positively OVERWHELMING number of “it’s pilot error, dude!” shriekers in the comments of ALLLL of the videos on this takedown strongly evidences that some kind of CIA-ish/MK targeting is being done to these videos, to bend weak minds incapable or unwilling to engage in critical thinking.
LOL Flight had only been in-air for 9 minutes LOL 0:15 into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP9QZ8Cf69w — also, a fresh company that began flying their tours 11 days ago! LOLOL

Insurance fraud. Tower taken-down because it was illegally too-close to nearby ground structures. Also coinciduncely, its toppling wasn’t a toppling but a fall-into-own-footprint miracle, perfectly avoiding all nearby structures at nearly every possible angle!

Funny how some of the debris — presumably surrounding the self-folding-strike-points where the DEW weapon targeted the structure — strongly resembles the wilted steel of the ladder firetrucks at 911. (Look at the “lower” parts, the steel that is wilted so much it rests nearly the burned dirt.

Also, helicopter seems to be travelling VERY fast, DIRECTLY at tower!
Also, VERY odd the “chse plane” that could have been Raytheon DEW Blaster —

“…damage to some vehicles [toasted like in 911 and all other DEW attacks]…” 7:40 into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKu-QKL7fOw

Helicopter indiscernible to crash-experienced eyewitness examining immediate-aftermath debris. 10:30 into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKu-QKL7fOw — “…there was just nothing, like nothing, I could describe — I’ve been working [fire-] rescude half my life and there was nothing I could describe as a helicopter. …There was just nothing [except intense fire] … I’ve never seen anything like that [having worked fire-] and rescue, nothing.”

Unfortunately, this guy seems to be a plant the more he speaks: “…the tower, they’re made to fall like that, it just crumpled right there with it.” So now a fire-dangerous bearded hipster fireman is suddenly a RF tower engineer? The towers are made to be extremely rigid so as to support massive load under extreme weather forces; they are NOT made to crumple or with any kind of weakness whatsoever.
Was the tower energized? Was it transmitting? What was the station(s)?

Wilting of ultra-rigid steel girders —

Also odd, how “headlight” appeared on the tower itself at least two-seconds before apparent impact, and yet ZERO flinch or attempted avoidance whatsoever.
What the hell debris could have spewed so far away from the “vertical drop” of the wreckage? What is the NTSB looking for? A Directed Energy Beam could cause glancing-off-tower-steel damage to nearby cars, structures, etc. These clowns are focused on a “wilted” looking fence…probably because of the wilting…

“It hit the pole; it evaporated, bro.”

There is another Big Lie in this event. Dir Energy was used .. why is the ground all black with even edges? No amount of fire melts steel; it takes a blast furnace to do that. Helicopter fuel in any amount burning in open-air fire of any kind can NEVER melt steel — it’s basic physics and long-known reality (per anyone who uses a backyard grill, blowtorch, fireplace, gas water-heater or stove). Yet, major parts of that tower’s steel are WILTED. Conveniently every few dozen feet or so, allowing the tower to “fold up” like an accordion, instead of toppling over into the many buildings too-nearby on all sides! Clearly, something else was used here. Dir Energy. They’re testing it; normalizing it. Who benefitted from this take-down?
Doesn’t it look like that helo is speeding ?? And it makes a last-second course adjustment to bee-line directly into the tower. How utterly suspsicious! Just like the DALI in Baltimore bridge takedown; just like the supposed planes on 911. LOL Hey, it worked before, They figure, let’s do it again and again to the stupid sheeple!
Tower was 999 feet tall, or 666 upside-down. There is MUCH MORE behind this, including Dir N.R.G. that was used to “wilt” the steel (fire NEVER melts steel, so how did the tower get melted?) and allow the tower to crumple down into its own footprint instead of toppling over into the many too-nearby buildings on every side!
Wilted Steel, IMPOSSIBLE with open-air fire in any amount – requires blast furnace

NTSB data shows there in fact WAS a “last-minute manuever” that took the heli into a bee-line for impact, just like DALI bridge Baltimore. Is there another form of Dir N.R.G. that can act as a “tractor beam” like from Star Wars and Star Trek ??
(Supposedly involved) Helicopter N881KE was red (per recent photo) — Why is wreckage apparently from a blue helicopter at the scene??

“According to flightaware.com, the chopper was traveling at 108 mph at 600 feet in the air…” 1:50 into video
It is very strange. What’s strange is that videos show the helicopter hit the tower directly and never tried avoidance. It was traveling 108 miles an hour but the tower is clearly visible in the videos we have. Surveillance videos only show us about 26 seconds before impact but the lights on the tower were clearly operational in that span and you can even see the helicopters own lights illuminate the tower 3 seconds before impact and no movement at all by the pilot. She had to have not been looking at all for seemingly at least 30 seconds or so. How does this happen when flying?
Interesting you can see the landing light of the helicopter lighting up the tower several seconds before the crash. Did something go wrong with the pilot medically?
Not likely, since she course-corrected at the last moments to bee-line directly into the tower….weird, JUST LIKE DALI into Baltimore bridge…which also had oddly “wilted” steel and also had night-time attack from dir energy beam…
Hitting the cables is an accident, deadpanning the tower is suspicious.
1:54 — chopper zooming at 108 mph — is such speed even possible without directed energy tractor beam or some other kind of remote control ?? Max speed is 117 mph and that’s with one occupant. Zionic news claims there were 4. VERY HIGHLY SUS
Maximum possible speed
The Robinson R22 helicopter is a light, two-seater helicopter and is not designed to carry five people. It has a maximum gross weight of around 1,370 pounds (621 kg), including passengers, fuel, and cargo, which generally limits its payload to two occupants (pilot and one passenger) with limited additional cargo.
For a helicopter suitable for five passengers, the Robinson R44 or R66, or other larger helicopters like the Bell 206, would be more appropriate. Here’s a comparison for these models:
- Robinson R44
- Maximum speed: ~130 knots (149 mph or 240 km/h)
- Can carry up to 4 occupants (pilot + 3 passengers)
- Robinson R66 (with turbine engine)
- Maximum speed: ~140 knots (161 mph or 259 km/h)
- Can carry up to 5 occupants (pilot + 4 passengers)
- Bell 206
- Maximum speed: ~120 knots (138 mph or 222 km/h)
- Can carry up to 5 occupants (pilot + 4 passengers)
Each model’s speed and capacity will also vary with payload, fuel weight, and environmental conditions, like altitude and temperature. For carrying five people at a higher speed, the Robinson R66 or Bell 206 would be more suitable.
The maximum speed of an R22 helicopter, which is a popular light helicopter manufactured by Robinson Helicopter Company, is around 102 knots (approximately 117 mph or 189 km/h). However, this speed is often limited by operational conditions, as the R22’s practical cruising speed is closer to 90-96 knots (around 104-110 mph or 167-177 km/h). — THIS IS WITH ONE OCCUPANT. Zionic news claims there were 4 aboard.
That rigid steel which held that tower up for decades against all weather forces is now turned into wilted spaghetti???

It takes skill to hit the only tower in the area. The pilot must have really known the area.
“My neighborhood was built next to an antenna…. Now I want the antenna moved!” Its the same as idiots that move next to an airport then complain about noise.
…and I bet the tower was there long before your neighborhood… your fault for moving there, and these neighborhood should of never been approved for building there. Once again this is all about $$$ and how the city didn’t care of the possibility of a outcome like this, all they care about is the big tax $$$$….