Wildphyre Attacks on Crops I just feel weird like maybe I should not be here
High cross-winds spreads flames, whether involving HAARP or DEW or Chance or Nature
Tractors “overheating” – DEW?
We see the evidence of DEW attacks in the melted metals of the combines, tractors, apparati, etc. No big leap to consider DEW as being used to ignite, spread crop- (and sometimes equipment-) destroying field fires.
Y’all did good. Y’all did really good. As a volunteer firefighter I’m always grateful when everybody starts showing up with the equipment. When this happens it really is a group effort. Here in North Dakota a couple weeks ago we had a really bad one rip through the western part of the state. And this kind of group effort and cooperation is what it took to get everything under control.
I have a lot of memories of fighting fires in the Texas panhandle. Big grass fires…
Last year my neighbor lost a tractor due to a blown hydraulic line. He was able to disconnect the planter and move the tractor a little bit before he had to bail out of it. The tractor was a total loss but the planter was OK. We have very little chance of field fires in southern Ohio except in drought years.
Here in Oregon we farm trees, and harvest them about 30-40 years after they’re planted by our fathers, or grandfathers. A forest fire can be devastating for whole communities. I drove through the town of Detroit, Oregon a couple of years ago, and about half the town had been destroyed by fire. Homes, businesses, restaurants, gas stations, everything. There was a fenced area of a couple or more acres, just full of dozens of fire trucks from towns and cities far and wide. They were all burned up. There’s nothing more disheartening than a burned-up fire truck. Imagine a whole fleet of them. Fire is no joke.
31:30 I just feel weird, like maybe I shouldn’t be here. – Laura

5 major fires in past 4 years.

31:30 I just feel weird, like maybe I shouldn’t be here. – Laura