Glinting LASER Blasts Seen on 911 from roof of Woolworth Building reveal evil afoot
“Glinting” LASER Blasts Seen on 9/11 from roof of Woolworth Building reveal a much larger, deeper, darker evil afoot —–
RE the pulsed LASER to blast a tunnel thru the atmosphere. This is Exactly what was done, apparently, at Brookhaven Natl Labs, whent it was used to blast its RHIC particle-beam “ion gun” weapon at the Woolworth Building (always and still) skeletal metal roof turret which was used as a beam collimator and vertical-sweeper for applying the energy beam to the WTC towers.
HUTCHISON EFFECT proves in repeatable lab experiments the exact odd (and otherwise inexplicable) effects seen at Ground Zero including dustification of materials, levitation (vehicles flipped upside-down where they were parked), and “flaming” metals that were heatless (witness millions of unburned papers).
HUTCHISON EFFECT requires an high-voltage gradient, conveniently supplied that day by the powerful yet super-secret class 3 monster Hurricane Erin which was apparently steered via HAARP to NYC where it sat for the 24 hours surrounding the event.
For those who recognize hallmark numeracy: Brookhaven is 61.1 miles from WTC in direct line-of-sight at an angle of 119 degrees and is headquartered (to this day) in Bldg #911.
Brookhaven RHIC “ion-gun” blaster is also implicated in TWA800 and JFK JR plane downings.
Interestingly, 1947 figures heavily in Pentagon numeracy; more interesting is that precisely 19.47 miles away in direct line-of-sight is the NIST (formerly NBS natl bureau standards) LINAC ion-gun.
Also interesting is the 666 miles (also in direct line-of-sight) between OKC Murrah building and Fermilab’s “ion gun”; 666 of course being the result of 90-degrees minus the theoretically-insisted-upon 23.4-degrees of globe-theorized “earth tilt”, for those with keen eye to hallmark numeracy.
These are all presently verifiable facts.
Tritium contamination due to ion-gun
Brookhaven / Long-Island-NY local residents are suing in federal court for contamination of their environment by tritium, the side-effect of the RHIC ion-gun, otherwise inexplicably found at WTC in confounding amounts.
Woolworth Building involvement
Rockefeller had petitioned to have Woolworth building put on Natl Register Historic Places, preventing external changes, thus keeping the turret skeletal (presumably this was used for targeted and perhaps beam collimation / sweeping, if such was not done inside / under cover of the copper rooftop of Woolworth Building).
For ten years after 911, the roof of Woolworth building had been closed due to ‘damage from 9/11’.
Again, 100% of all this information is publicly verifiable.
The synchronous LASER source at Brookhaven became available a year or so prior to 911.
Bibliotecapleyades net website has an article describing “missiles fired from rooftop of Woolworth building on 9/11” and an animated GIF / video showing “glints” appearing in the dust of 9/11, appearing to come from the roof of Woolworth building. Those “glints” are likely the LASER bursts tunneling paths for the particle beam weapon used.
How interesting it will be for FOIA requests to reveal the same military contractors leasing “beam time” at Fermilab, NIST/NBS and Brookhaven “ion guns” on 9/11, during the Murrah / OKC attack; TWA-800; JFK JR plane; and similar “inexplicable” energy weapons attacks.
ERIC777 youtube research revealed Raytheon major DEW maker controlled by Vatican Jesuits. Jesuit motto: “go forth and set the world on fire”.
The 9/11 attack was decades long in the planning and involved exotic weaponry; it’s no wonder it is indistinguishable from magic by most persons too lazy to even care to know the names and politics of their own local politicians.
You should be aware of the “org”anizational sites named DEPS and DSIAC which prove this is a MASSIVE mil-industrial complex. and
I hope this comment survives to reach some bright minds.

Animated GIFs showing glintings
Unveiling the Mystery: LASER Blasts on 9/11 and the Woolworth Building
The events of September 11, 2001, remain one of the most significant and haunting moments in modern history. While the official narrative attributes the catastrophic collapse of the World Trade Center towers to hijacked airplanes and subsequent fires, alternative theories continue to emerge (because open-air fire never melts steel, and there was barely enough fuel for the fireballs let alone massive heating of the many huge girders). One recent claim gaining traction comes from an article titled “Glinting LASER Blasts Seen on 911 from Roof of Woolworth Building Reveal Evil Afoot” on
This piece alleges that directed energy weapons (DEWs) were deployed during the 9/11 attacks, with laser-like beams reportedly emanating from the Woolworth Building’s roof. It suggests these beams played a role in the destruction of the towers, adding to the ongoing debate surrounding unconventional explanations for that day’s tragic events.
Key Claims in the Article
- Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs): The article posits that advanced DEWs were employed, capable of disintegrating steel and concrete with precision. This theory ties into prior speculations about the use of such technologies, which are often linked to military research and experimental weaponry.
- The Hutchison Effect: A phenomenon reportedly involving electromagnetic waves to create unusual physical effects, such as levitation or molecular disintegration, is cited as a potential explanation for observed anomalies at Ground Zero. While intriguing, the Hutchison Effect remains highly controversial and largely dismissed by mainstream science.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory and Other Facilities: The article speculates that the technology may have originated from high-tech research facilities such as Brookhaven National Laboratory. It implies that these organizations possess the capability to develop and deploy such advanced weaponry.
- Eyewitness Accounts: Alleged witnesses from the vicinity claim to have observed glinting lights or beams directed at the Twin Towers, emanating from the Woolworth Building. The article uses these accounts to bolster its claims.
Assessing the Credibility
While such theories often spark curiosity, they must be approached critically:
- Scientific Evidence: No credible evidence has surfaced to support the notion that DEWs were used on 9/11. Official investigations, including the 9/11 Commission Report, attribute the collapse of the towers to the impact of airplanes and subsequent fires weakening the steel structures.
- Eyewitness Accounts: Anecdotal evidence, while compelling, can be influenced by stress, fear, and retrospective interpretation. The chaotic nature of 9/11 makes it challenging to distinguish fact from perception.
- Technology Feasibility: While directed energy weapons exist, their operational deployment in a scenario like 9/11 remains speculative at best. Current known DEWs are not capable of achieving the destruction seen during the attacks.
The Role of Alternative Theories
Conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 are not new. They often stem from skepticism toward official narratives and a desire to uncover hidden truths. While questioning is healthy, it’s essential to rely on verified evidence and expert analyses.
The article highlights the enduring intrigue and speculation about 9/11. However, without substantive evidence, claims like these risk overshadowing the genuine loss and suffering experienced by thousands on that fateful day.
The idea of laser blasts from the Woolworth Building on 9/11 is a fascinating but unsubstantiated theory. As we continue to analyze the events of that day, it is crucial to balance curiosity with critical thinking. While alternative theories offer new perspectives, they must be supported by solid evidence to contribute meaningfully to our understanding of history.