Honeymoon Bridge at Niagara Falls New York Evidence of DEW
Look at those “impossibly” warped girders. Structural steel NEVER warps, buckles, wilts EXCEPT in blast-furnace or via DEW. Clearly, no blast-furnace was present; therefore, the only known alternative, Directed Energy Weapons, must have existed long before initially revealed (by President Reagan in 1983).
Jan 1938 collapse date. This precedes what we conceive of as ‘modern’ electronic era and feasibility of beam weaponry. Yet the steel is similarly warped and wilted, and in extreme cold. Is this evidence contra-indicative of warping and wilting of steel as due to beam weaponry, or does it indicate beam weaponry perhaps far older than presently commonly imagined?
22 years later, nearby Schoellkopf Power Station was apparently DEW’d with similarly suspicious (and DEW-hallmarking) melted steel girders.

BELOW: That sure looks like a DEW melting to me. Overstressed steel, particularly when cold, fractures and cracks, it never melts and bends.