I35W bridge DEW in Minneapolis 2007

I35W bridge DEW in Minneapolis 2007

BELOW: Remarkably warped, wilted steel girders, melted like wet spaghetti. Notice also insta-rust; also, missing rivets. This damage is impossible without involvement of DEW, and it is hallmarked at all other similar DEW sites.

I35W bridge DEW in Minneapolis 2007

BELOW: Notice the similarly “impossibly” warped structural steel — also insta-rust and splayed rebar.  Superheated, molten steel can distort, warp and wilt without stress cracking.  Directed Energy Weapons can superheat the steel.  Nothing else can fully explain all the evidence.

In 2007.  Notice the similarly "impossibly" warped structural steel -- also insta-rust and splayed rebar.  Superheated, molten steel can distort, warp and wilt without stress cracking.  Directed Energy Weapons can superheat the steel.  Nothing else can fully explain all the evidence.

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