Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits and Raytheon – Raytheon and DEW
Jesuit Motto Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits control Raytheon – Raytheon makes DEW
Revealing energy weaponry for fun and profit
Jesuit Motto Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits control Raytheon – Raytheon makes DEW
Suspicious Anomalies Galore suggest 1982 Caldecott Tunnel Fire involved DEW
Project Minos Neutrino Directed Energy Weapon DEW can blast thru solid matter
DEW Attack on Trash Truck – THEY are normalizing the DEW attacks! This was a mild toasting. Learn to recognize the peculiar evidence inescapably left by all microwave weaponry.
DEW CLUES – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame – Tires in DEW Attacks
Demonizing Natural Gas Man made House Explosions Caused by DEW per Agenda to Villify Natural Gas
Reconsidering Chestnut Lodge in Rockville Maryland as DEW Phyre