Over 429 DEW Patents and Over 200 Weather Modification Patents
Over 429 DEW Patents and Over 200 Weather Modification Patents
It is far worse than we are able to document
Over 429 DEW Patents and Over 200 Weather Modification Patents
Honeymoon Bridge at Niagara Falls New York Evidence of DEW
Bridgewater Canal in Manchester possible DEW attack. Mere miles from DEW MINOS research facilities.
This is what you will see as DEWs begin wildphyring the too wet for wildfires Mid Atlantic States
Jesuit Motto Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits control Raytheon – Raytheon makes DEW
Personal exposure to DEW — Exposure to militarized weaponized microwave technology is a harrowing experience, marked by a range of physical and psychological symptoms. “I could feel something very odd: The heat was obvious, the wind was obvious, but there was something about the pressure that made me feel very weird.”
Houston Grid Down – DEW HAARP NEXRAD Weather Warfare – Melted Steel Girders of Power Tower Pylons