Demonizing Natural Gas Man made House Explosions Caused by DEW per Agenda to Villify Natural Gas
Pattern of same energy weaponry used in Beirut dock silos “explosion”, ATT facility “explosion” in downtown Nashville, Henderson Nevada rocket propellant plant “explosion”, and numerous other house explosions, growing in number, sometimes related by “news” to illict drug manufacturing and more recently to “natural gas” as the propsed causal agent.
This suits the ‘anti-natural-gas’ / pro-electric agenda of the NWO, as electrical dependence is much more easily controlled and monitored.
Is it just me, or does this type of thing seem to be more common lately?
This doesn’t explain the light show that occured along with this explosion, this doesn’t explain what looked to be like an aircraft falling in flames….either way this “gas leak” issue seems to be happening kinda oftern in this are now a days.
Similar debris pattern. Little to no damage to surrounding structures or foliage. Complete decimation of target structure, never partial.

See also exceedingly similar attacks, blamed on natural gas leaks, drug manufacture, etc.

Stranger still is how so many of the professional “news” videos have been vanished —
Also there was predictive programming, again with the huge names, huge budgets, huge intentions to predictively program the gullible idiot masses.
It all began, in Zionic Mass Media, with the ‘largest ever non-nuclear explosion on domestic ground’, the (DEW-powered) PEPCON gas explosion in Henderson, NV in 1988.