Reunderstanding Olympic Pipeline Explosion in Bellingham WA 10 Jun 1999 as DEW Attack

Reunderstanding Olympic Pipeline Explosion in Bellingham WA 10 Jun 1999 as DEW Attack

“They can not surive; they have no skin.”

“…their skin literally dripping off their fingertips…” – 2:48 in

“They seemed lucid; I had no idea they would die.” –

Bridge at Iowa St and Woburn St.

This echoes the reports of “skin sliding off his forearms” reported at WTC on 911. Microwave radiation burns in this way, not necessarily charring it to charcoal from the outside-in, but rather boiling it from the inside-out, allowing the skin to remain somewhat intact, like a sheath, but that is separated from the underlying tissue — imagine boiling a chicken in the microwave oven and that is nearly identical to what happens to microwave radiation victims exposed to DEW. Prolonged or too-high-intensity exposure of course causes immediate charring and even cremation, as seen in so many of the victims of Dresden “firestorm” (firestorm was a lie, a cover-story for what was in reality another DEW attack).

Cold gasoline is more difficult to ignite

Gasoline is difficult to ignite unless it atomizes, unless there is vapor; however, cold water suppresses vaporization of gasoline. The creek water was cold. Moreover, explosions require pressure from containment. Uncontained / open-air ignition and conflagration of gasoline vapor is not an explosion.

The 911 reports of a powerful, earth-shaking explosion absolutely indicate something more was involved than merely the ignition of gasoline, no matter the spilled / leaked volume of such.

“Downtown Bellingham had just exploded!” 1:50 into

“Three people died in the incident. The first was Liam Wood, 18, who was fly fishing in the creek. He was rendered unconscious by the fumes and fell into the creek, drowning before the explosion.[7] Two children, Wade King and Stephen Tsiorvas, both 10, were playing near the creek confluence during the explosion. Both survived the blast, but sustained severe burns, dying the next day at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. There were eight related injuries.[2] Wade King’s parents donated $400,000 to the Bellingham School District, and in 2007 Wade King Elementary School was named in memory of Wade King.”

google map

BELOW: House along Watcom Creek, burning from the roof down, apparently from inside/under the shingles, appears to be superheated metal, likely due to eddy current induced by microwave weaponry. Whitish / grey ‘smoke’ instead of the expected sooty-black smoke is another hallmark of DEW weaponry.

Frank & Mary King, parents of 10-year old Wade King.

Friend was Stephen Charvis. (hmmm, like “charred”? Beware the ‘name-game’. Are/were these ever confirmed real people?)

“Wade’s hair was all burned off. His face was stretched. I remember looking at their hands: The skin was virtually dripping off their fingertips.” – father Frank King, 2:30 in

“[Wade] was all distorted looking….” – mother Mary King, 3:05 in

“They seemed to be lucid; I never thought for a second that they were going to die.” – Frank King, 3:10 in

Both 10-yo boys burned over 90% of their bodies; were airlifted to Harbor View trauma in Seattle, where Dr told Frank King: “They can not survive; they have no skin.”

18-year old Liam Wood, mother Marlene Robinson also burned up by microwave exposure? Before Marlene could get home, whilst the fire was still burning, somebody / ‘they’ had found a body…. ?? 12 hours later the police ID’d the body.

Wade died just after 2am. Stephen died at 7am. That seems too quick.

Mark Asmundson, Bellingham mayor

“Petitions and protests don’t matter.” 8:25

“2 million miles of liquid and natural gas pipelines in USA.” 8:55. Spills and ruptures had been occurring at rate of one per day. ONLY OPS (Office Pipeline Safety) has any authority.

BELOW: This looks more like a test of the technology, maybe to see how effective it would be on wetland foliage and sometimes-buried pipeline (and sometimes exposed pipeline). The buried aspect provided a grounding, and the elongation of that grounding would be an interesting variable in an experiment testing efficacy of the DEW weaponry. The boys playing nearby was probably collateral.

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BELOW: Just like the increasing number of trees ‘burned from the inside out’ we have seen over past years as DEW attacks have been ramping up, here in this evermore-strongly suspected DEW attack on Olympic Pipeline in Bellingham, WA we see the exact same hallmark damage.

Question — does the pipeline really follow along underneath the wildly snaking creek? Does such seemingly wasteful, dangerous and even insane construction make any sense? Or maybe the beam was tested along the creek? Or maybe the creek’s lower impedance drew the energy beam along it flow?

Note the complete sterilization of the DEW-afflicated area: A radiation burn that kills all things down to the micro-organism level, precisely as increasingly reported in modern DEW damage, in particular by forensic arborist ROBERT BRAME.

Whatcom.olympic.pipeline.explosion 3317265165

It is not merely a fire but an intense microwaving that literally sterilizes at the molecular level all life. Note that a “fireball” would never have created a thin snaking pattern and would have left some kind of circular burn. This manufactured event is a near total lie per the scant evidence alone.

Dew Ded

The fire heated the water to 81 degrees, probably killing every fish in the area. At least one worker found fish with charred heads. Stream-side vegetation was reduced to smoking ash and blackened stumps.

Creek “a dead zone”

Bruce Barbour, an environmental specialist with the State Department of Ecology, who was able to inspect part of the creek before it was closed off for safety reasons, described it as “a dead zone.”

“It’s unbelievable. Even worse than I imagined. Everything is dead. Even the worms in the soil,” said Barbour. “It changed the very structure of the shoreline.”

The fuel leak occurred Thursday afternoon shortly after a failure of the main computer that controls movement of gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel through the pipeline. Fuel may have been spilling for 12 minutes or longer before it was detected. The amount spilled has not been determined, but estimates ranged from 84,000 gallons to 277,000 gallons.—-bellingham-fireball-turned-dreams-of-reviving-salmon-habitat-to-ashes—-how-gas-leaked-and-how-it-ignited-remain-mystery

BELOW: Absurd path under creek. Indicative of some kind of testing of the technology.

Bellingham Olympic Pipeline 1999 Overview Map 600x263 1 3806275732

Damage+slide 429557941

BELOW: Whitish / grey ‘smoke’ mist is hallmark of DEW attack. Green, wet shrubs, trees, near creek would be black even if burned directly by blowtorch. Black sooty smoke is the hallmark of open-air fire causing incomplete burn. Whitish / grey mist very strongly indicates an extremely intense and hot fire, cremation-style, possible in open-air only via energy supplied from external source, in this case most likely DEW.

Mushroom 392720939

Life Returns to Whatcom Creek: One Year After the Pipeline Explosion ...

Note the 911-ish whitish mist aftermath.

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BELOW: Olympic Pipeline, partly buried, partly exposed. Grounding of partial burial present an interesting variable to test scientifically — how effective would be a DEW attack upon a partially buried (and thus grounded / more resistant to microwave damage) pipeline…

Olympic Pipeline Span Protection | GeoEngineers

Olympic Pipeline 4 1654547719

BELOW: The problem with believing the known Zionic liars aside from the fact that they are known liars presumably intent on harming, is of course how their lies always entail self-rebuke of personal senses, a kind of purposeful gaslighting intending to keep persons off-balance, questioning own perceptions — for instance, there is Z E R O evidence of any gas or oil slick, apart from some persons saying so and the Zionic mass media printing such. What is actually burning in this photo? Even if it were a river of gas aflame, how did the gas escape the creek and burn such wide swaths? Seems incredibly unlikely without the added energy of DEW helping the burn along. Notice the DEW-hallmark white/grey ‘smoke’ / mist.

Pipeline Creekfire Affiliate.39 168242129

1999 Wc On Fire 824726920

Workers garments 100% totally unsoiled, ZERO evidence of any oil or contaminants. Another Gigantic Lie.

104 Olympic Pipeline 05 1613129599

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BELOW: Actual pipeline leaks cause massive blackening, whether burned or unburned. The smoke is NEVER white/grey; the remain are always partial and NEVER cremated down to white ash.

Keystone Pipe Rupture Black Sooty Residue

And the spread if often massive. Contrast to the ridiculously small, tight-area, curve hugging of what surely what a DEW energy beam hugging the Whatcom creek in Bellingham Olympic Pipeline DEW attack versus what appears here to be an authentic pipeline leak. Notice how the oil flowed down into the creek water and is easily seen slickening the water surface with telltale sheen.

Investigators, Cleanup Crews Begin Scouring Oil Pipeline Spill In Kansas
Emergency crews work to clean up the largest U.S. crude oil spill in nearly a decade, following the leak at the Keystone pipeline operated by TC Energy in rural Washington County, Kansas, U.S., December 9, 2022. REUTERS/Drone Base

Pipeline Explosion 893829054

In Kenyan pipeline blasts, They simply incinerate and cremate the hapless negroes.

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BELOW: This is very likely what the microwave-burned boys looked like. It is an intense sunburn, a subdermal burn caused by exposure to microwave radiation inherent in the DEW weaponry. It is anything but an external-first, carbonizing, blackening, sooty open-air fire. Compare with the verbatim quote above from one of the boys’ fathers, Frank Smith King: “…their skin literally dripping off their fingertips…” – 2:48 into video


See also What Microwave DEW Burns Look Like

See also DEW Attack on PEPCON plant 1988

In this case also DEW was used to attack underground pipe resulting in gas explosion.

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