Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits and Raytheon – Raytheon and DEW
Jesuit Motto Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits control Raytheon – Raytheon makes DEW
It's far worse than we are able to document
Jesuit Motto Go forth and set the world on fire – Jesuits control Raytheon – Raytheon makes DEW
Great Lahaina Fire Great Maui Land Grab Is Your Home Next – HAARP obviously also in-play just like at 911 WTC
DEW at Brookhaven Fermilab NIST OKC 911 – Numerological manifestations galore.
DEW Hallmark Spontaneous Human Combustion – Flesh Boiled Charred from Within – Hair Clothing Unburned
DEW What the Hell Happened to Dr Mary Sherman? Spontaneous Human Combustion
DEW – Lead Paint – Aluminum Siding – Spontaneous Human Combustion – Lead and aluminum attenuate and scatter microwave radiation such as 5G. This would be incompatible with a Grand Plan that includes snooping, controlling and sickening via microwave radiation.
DEW Attack Highway of Death 1991 – “All those vehicles were being driven by a person, usually with others in the vehicle. All were insta-microwaved, insta-boiled from within. Just like at Dresden — all clothing and hair intact, but flesh charred. Gone within milliseconds by high-energy bursts. Paradise Cali and other places in US have same telltale evidence.”