DEW at Brookhaven Fermilab NIST OKC 911
DEW at Brookhaven Fermilab NIST OKC 911 – Numerological manifestations galore.
DEW Hallmark Spontaneous Human Combustion – Flesh Boiled Charred from Within – Hair Clothing Unburned
DEW Hallmark Spontaneous Human Combustion – Flesh Boiled Charred from Within – Hair Clothing Unburned
DEW – Lead Paint – Aluminum Siding – Spontaneous Human Combustion – Havana Syndrome – Remote Neural Monitoring – Targeted Individuals – 2024
DEW – Lead Paint – Aluminum Siding – Spontaneous Human Combustion – Lead and aluminum attenuate and scatter microwave radiation such as 5G. This would be incompatible with a Grand Plan that includes snooping, controlling and sickening via microwave radiation.
DEW Gulf War 1 Highway of Death 1991
DEW Attack Highway of Death 1991 – “All those vehicles were being driven by a person, usually with others in the vehicle. All were insta-microwaved, insta-boiled from within. Just like at Dresden — all clothing and hair intact, but flesh charred. Gone within milliseconds by high-energy bursts. Paradise Cali and other places in US have same telltale evidence.”
More Lies in Youngstown, OH Building Explosion — Pre mud-flood building taken out by DEW
Downward Blast from roof of 12th (top) floor is NOT due to “gas” but instead to Directed Energy Weapons attack.
Disintegrated Drivers of the many Toasted Cars — DEW at WTC in NYC on 911 — “I just realised that those cars were being driven by people who suddenly disintegrated…”
DEW at WTC in NYC on 911 .. only Directed Energy Weapons cohesively explains all evidence.
DEW Wildphyre USA Oregon Almeda 2020-0908DEW Wildphyre — Almeda, Oregon, 2020-0908
DEW Wildphyre USA Oregon Almeda 2020-0908