Microwave Directed Energy Weapons – Physics of uneven effects due to field interference patterning

20240518 080516

Microwave Directed Energy Weapons – Physics of uneven effects due to field interference patterning. Some materials such as nuts/bolts are disintegrated whilst directly next to other materials totally untouched, unaffected except possibly by radiant or convected heat.

Another Account from Lahaina of Personal Exposure to DEW Microwave Weaponry, Aug 2023

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Personal exposure to DEW — Exposure to militarized weaponized microwave technology is a harrowing experience, marked by a range of physical and psychological symptoms. “I could feel something very odd: The heat was obvious, the wind was obvious, but there was something about the pressure that made me feel very weird.”

Houston Grid Down – DEW HAARP NEXRAD Weather Warfare – Melted Steel Girders of Power Tower Pylons

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Houston Grid Down – DEW HAARP NEXRAD Weather Warfare – Melted Steel Girders of Power Tower Pylons